Page 37 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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Leo punches the steering wheel. “That motherfucker!”

“Calm down, Leo. It’s just a race.”

“It’sneverjust a race, Camilla, don’t be stupid.” I breathe in slowly and open the door when he stops, slamming it behind me as I walk away from his car. He gets out too. “Camilla! Come here. Now!”

I keep going, not looking back. Instead, I go to a guy named Carlos, one of Leo’s guards, and ask him for a ride. He nods, that is, until Leo shows up.

“Don’t you do it, Carlos.”

“Her father will have my head if I deny her something of this nature.”

“Iwill have your head.”

“Better you than him,” the guard says and I smirk.

“Whatever, just get her away from me.”

Within thirty minutes, I’m standing at my door and unlocking it. The house is dark and barely any light is coming in from the windows, leaving everything cast in shadows. I shiver as the cold air hits my body, making me break out in goosebumps. It’s almost November, for fuck’s sake, not June. Why do they have to set the AC so low?

I head up the stairs, removing my crop top and unbuttoning my pants. Everyone is either asleep or out of the house. I don’t really hide my body from my roommates, they’ve probably seen all of me many times by now, especially when I like to go skinny dipping in the backyard pool.

I open my door quietly just in case someone is sleeping, and close it behind me just as softly. As soon as I turn around, a hand shoots out and grips me by the neck, slamming me against my door. So much for being quiet. I stare into liquid silver eyes and all the breath whooshes out of my lungs.

Nikolai pins me against the door, his hips against mine, my bare chest against his upper abs, and I look up at him as he looks down my body with hungry eyes.

“You think you can kiss someone else with those pretty lips after you almost ate me alive a few hours ago?” He says against my cheek as he pulls his hips away, having to lean down to get to my face level. I look up at him to make it easier, for whatever disturbing reason. “Think again, princess.”

“Wait, I?—”

His lips meet mine gently at first, barely even there, but the kiss grows in intensity, in urgency. Soon enough he’s sucking, biting, and licking my mouth. My stomach somersaults when his tongue thrusts in my mouth slowly. I want him to do it faster, to fuck my mouth to the rhythm of my heart, which is about to explode in my chest. Nonetheless, I don’t make a move.

He’s your enemy. Get him the fuck out of your head.

“Nikolai,” I breathe as he pulls away, “why are you here?”

“I’ll be the last one to have your lips tonight,” he tells me with a serious expression. “And unless you want me to punish you, stop kissing other men.”

I nod quickly, not even caring about what he said, just happy to look into his gray eyes. I don’t know what is wrong with me. No matter how much I try to hate him for what he did, I keep finding excuses. It must have been the fact that he fucked me so good, my judgment is obviously impaired now. I can’t seem to make smart decisions anymore.Although I know that’s not true, because all I remember is the playground almost every night for years.

Thatis the real reason.

Nikolai kisses me once more, softly, just a peck, then pulls away. He brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. “Ty krasivaya,” he says in Russian, his words rough, his tone low.

My eyes tear up at that, hating him yet having this deep feeling of being wanted. Is that what this is? He wants me? Truly? “What does that mean?”

“Fucking traitor.”

My bottom lip trembles and a tear falls. I nod. Yeah, Iama traitor. I should be focused on avenging my brother. Yet here I am, getting cozy with his killer, stealing kisses from the devil.

“Why do you cry,solnyshko?” he asks me. That word again, what does it mean? I don’t even know how to spell it. “Because I called you a traitor?” My lip trembles again and I look away. “I thought we had something, then you did that. If you don’t think we do, then say it now.”

My eyes meet his, though I can’t talk yet, so I do the only thing I can think of. I pull him toward me and grab onto his shirt, raising up on my tiptoes to kiss him. He leans down when my lips meet his, and he devours me.

When we pull away from each other, I whisper, “We haveeverything, remember?”

Even though I know it’s not true.

I’m just another liar.
