Page 39 of Bloody Tainted Lies

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At that moment, Annie turns to us with a smile and grabs Ilya’s hand. His smile blinds me when she gives him a kiss on the cheek, and Dmitri’s expression is simply blank. I just noticed something—Annie has been talking to Dmitri this entire time, but she has shown no affection toward him. Not even a hug. What does that mean? Is she just with Ilya? But by the looks of Dmitri, it seems that he and Ilya are also together. My brain is exploding from just trying to figure it out. Note to self: Ask Annie about this later.

For now, though, I can’t help but sulk at the thought that I can’t get any information about Nikolai if he’s missing. I can’t accomplish what I’ve set out to do, and knowing that makes me angry. If he can leave on a whim and not even say anything, then clearly I’m not doing a very good job at this. I guess when he comes back I have to make something happen. The only problem is getting my mind and body to understand this is all a game.

That’s all it ever will be.

I glance over at Dmitri, admiring his beauty for just a second. He seems so… ignored by them right now. It kind of pisses me off. He’s beautiful with his deep green eyes, black hair that falls over them, and rugged features. His strong nose and square jaw are even more attractive, and he has full lips that beg to be kissed. It’s no wonder Ilya can’t resist him.

“I have to pee,” I mutter to Ilya, getting angry at him and Annie. They’re being so disrespectful, and I have the urge to leave with Dmitri and make him hot chocolate just to make him feel better. I don’t even know if he likes hot chocolate, only it’s just a thought. He looks…sad.

No one even looks at me as I say that, and I slip out of the stool and go to the bathroom to take care of business. Once done, I stare at myself in the mirror. I didn’t bother wearing any makeup to this outing, seeing as I want a good dip in the pool when we’re done here. So I splash some water on my face to help calm down.

I can’t believe I did that. I admitted to Ilya that I care. I shouldn’t have, and if I were smarter I would’ve kept my worries and insecurities to myself. Clearly, I have deep-rooted problems because I feel abandoned by a man who owes me absolutely nothing. I want him to explain himself, yet I’m playing him. For some reason, it feels like I’m the one being played right now. Did he do this on purpose? Did he want me desperate for him?

Walking out of the bathroom, I stop in my tracks as I approach the bar again. Ilya and Annie are in the middle of a conversation when Dmitri yanks her by the hair and brings her lips to his. It’s a struggle at first, but then she opens for him just as Ilya’s emotions do. In slow motion, I watch as Ilya’s face contorts from surprise to rage.


Ilya gets up from his stool and walks around Annie, grabbing Dmitri by the back of the neck and pulling him away from her. He lowers himself to Dmitri’s ear and whispers something, which only causes the rugged man to smirk. He seems satisfied enough by the outrage on Ilya’s face that he turns around in his stool and sips on his drink again.

Approaching the table slowly, I make myself known. “What did I miss?” I ask in a cheery tone. I missed absolutely nothing, but they don’t know that.

“Nothing,” Ilya huffs. “We were just leaving.”

I pout. “Why don’t you both come back to my house and get in my pool?”

“We don’t have the clothes for it, Camilla,” Ilya replies in an annoyed tone, like he just wants to get rid of us and go fuck Dmitri.

“Who said anything about clothes?”

He smirks. “Fine, we’ll come.”

With a wink, he gets up from the stool, and I chuckle. He goes right back to Dmitri and exchanges a few words with him. Whatever he says causes the man to smile, and Annie looks back at me, positively angry.

Oh, well.

I want to see what this is all about.

We get in an Uber and ride back to the house in silence. Annie sits up front, appearing mad as hell, and I sit in the back with the boys. We’re plastered to each other, but they don’t seem to mind as they hold pinkies. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Who needs to hold hands when you have… this. I look away, feeling like I’m intruding on a very intimate moment, and gaze out the window.

Pulling up to the house, Annie opens the door before the car even stops. “You be careful, missy!” the Uber driver yells after her, yet she doesn’t glance back before opening the front door and slamming it shut. It’s a good thing I brought my key, or we’d be locked out.

Ilya, Dmitri, and I go directly to the door leading to the backyard, where the pool is. It’s November now, and the chill in the air is a little prickly, but at least the pool is heated. I decide the hot tub is where I will be hanging out either way because it looks like they have shit to sort out.

Annie may look angry, but Ilya looks murderous. I think he’s jealous, and I believe also Dmitri kissed her on purpose to cause this. Well, it worked. I smirk a little as I lead them down a rocky path toward the concrete floor where the lounging chairs are, and I begin to strip my clothes. I hear rustling in the background for a moment, then it stops.

“Are you crazy?” Dmitri asks, and this is the first time he ever directs his attention my way. His voice is deep, raising some of the hairs on my arms. It’s no wonder Ilya lives for him. That much is evident anyway. “It’s gotta be so cold in there. No way.”

“It’s actually heated,” I say to him, walking to a little table next to the patio set. “Anyone want coke?”

I peer back at them, and a shadow crosses Dmitri’s face, and he shakes his head no. “I do,” Ilya announces, and follows me to the table.

I’m half stripped, with only my shirt on at this point, and dump some coke on the table. With a credit card, I separate the powder into lines. Four to be exact, then I take a straw and inhale two of them. My nostrils burn, and I grimace, shaking my head as I snort again to try to clear my passages. There’s a bitter taste in my mouth as the intense drip from my throat hits my tastebuds, but I ignore it and watch Ilya snort it too.

“I’m gonna go find Annie,” I tell them and they both nod.

I drop my shirt and bra next to the sliding glass door, which is surprisingly unlocked. The house is quiet, and Annie is nowhere to be found. Fuck, she’s gotta be really mad to disappear like this. Against all instincts, I turn back around to head to the hot tub but stop in my tracks right in the doorway.

Dmitri is literally deepthroating Ilya on the edge of the pool, and his head falls back with a moan. He doesn’t look peaceful. Instead, he seems to be in pain. That must be a good blow job. I hold my breath as I listen to what Ilya is saying to him, and my thighs clench in response.
