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Blake tensed, and then his hands moved up my arms and gripped me, pushing me back. “What the fuck did she do?”

“She… she was waiting for me after work. She’s unstable, Blake. The things she was saying.” My voice cracked, and the tears followed.

Blake pulled me back to him and encased me in his arms. “Shh, don’t cry. Please, don’t cry.” He soothed. “Whatever she said, it isn’t true. Brittany isn’t used to things not going her way. You know me, Penny,you.”

Anger burned through me.

I was angry with Brittany for planting the seed of doubt that what Blake and I shared was real.

But, most of all, I was angry with myself for believing her.

Because as I stood wrapped in Blake’s arms, I felt his love. It extinguished all of my doubts and worries. It filled the cracks in my heart until I felt like I might burst.

Brittany had it wrong.

Blake and I might live in different worlds.

But we belonged together.



“Is this really a good idea?”I asked Blake for the third time.

He kept his eyes on the road and said, “It needs to be done. Once and for all.”

I leaned back against the leather seats. After spending the night wrapped in each other’s arms, he insisted we pay his uncle a visit. Brittany’s latest threat was the final straw—Blake had made his decision.

My stomach disagreed, and with every mile that passed, I felt sure I would hurl.

“How are you holding up over there?” His hand brushed my knee, and I half-smiled. “I’m okay.”

“After this, one way or another, we’ll be free, Penny. That’s all we ever wanted.”

He was right.

Once upon a time, in a yard in Lancaster, two teenagers hadn’t wished for expensive gifts or trips to the coast.

They had wished to be free.

The neighborhood began to change. Modest family houses morphed into larger properties with long drives filled with expensive cars and perfectly tended lawns.

Blake navigated his Prius with ease, a reminder that this was his home now. But when he drove to the end of a nice street and turned into a gated property, my eyes almost bugged out of my head.

The Weston house was by far the biggest in the vicinity.

I glanced down at my outfit.

Blake had insisted I just wear what I felt comfortable in, but I’d decided on my knee-length pencil skirt, stockings, a soft blue blouse, and my thick woolen coat. My hair hung loosely around my shoulders, curled out at the ends, and a light layer of makeup covered my face.

It was more effort than I ever went to, and yet, I still felt inadequate.

“Stop.” Blake’s voice interrupted my mental assessment of my outfit choice. “You look beautiful.”

The car rolled to a stop.
