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“How are we going to uphold camp rules for ten weeks?” she asked, blushing again.

I laughed. My vulnerable girl needed me as much as I needed her.

“I have my ways,” I chuckled. “You forget I was once the master of sneaking out.” I winked, I couldn’t help it.

Penny’s mouth formed anO, and she sucked in a breath. “Blake, I don’t want to get into trouble. Tina was very clear about the rules last year.”

Capturing her mouth again, I mumbled, “Rules are meant to be broken.”

Besides, there was no way on earth I would go ten weeks without feeling Penny underneath me.

“Are you sure they’re okay with our…” She hesitated. “Situation?”

Releasing Penny, I frowned. “Situation? One day, Penny Wilson, you are going to be my wife. The mother of our children. Please don’t ever call our relationship a situation again.”

Her jaw dropped slightly, and I saw the flash of panic in her eyes. Feeling like a total shit, I pulled her back into me. “I’m joking. Well, about calling our relationship a situation. The rest of it, not so much.”

“Blake,” she chided, batting me away with her hand. “That was mean.”

I noticed movement in front of the car and glanced out of the corner of my eye. Troy, the big goof, was pretending to make out with himself. I swear that guy was forty going on twelve.

“Come on, we have company.”

Penny turned her head slowly and groaned. “How long has he been standing there?”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure he saw everything.”

“Perfect, just perfect…” Penny started muttering to herself, and I laughed, pressing one last kiss to her lips before climbing out of the car.

I retrieved our bags out of the trunk, and Troy came around.

“Looking good, brother,” he said, “and you don’t look so bad either.”

“Troy,” I warned.

Penny was embarrassed enough without Troy hitting on her.

“What? You two almost caught fire.” He clapped me on the back and grinned. “Get out here, Penny. I have some Troy lovin’ for you too.”

Shaking my head, I said, “Seriously, where do you come up with this shit?”

“Just sharing my love, my man. Sharing the love.”

The passenger door opened, and Penny stepped out. I could tell she had withdrawn into herself. Getting away for the summer was supposed to take her mind off the impending trial, but now, I wasn’t so sure it was a great idea.

“There she is.” Troy started to move in her direction, but I shot a hand out in front of him. He raised an eyebrow at me, but I just shook my head.

His overenthusiasm was usually infectious, but Penny, although mostly okay with touch now, still tended to fall back into her old ways when her stress levels were high.

“My bad. Hey, Penny”—he waved—“it’s really good to have you back.”

She slammed the door shut and looked over at us. “Thanks, Troy. It’s good to be back.” Ignoring Troy, she looked right at me.

A small smile broke over her face, and my heart skipped a beat.

She was telling me we would be okay.

