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I helped Marissa drag the last of the canoes up the embankment to the storage shed. We’d sent the girls up ahead to clean up.

“Did you know Blake has someone back in Columbus?” The words lodged in my throat, but since our conversation two days ago, it was all I’d thought about.

Who was she?

What did she look like?

Did heloveher?

Marissa’s smile faltered as she said, “He does? Is it serious?”

“I don’t know. He said it’s complicated.”

We hoisted the last canoe onto its hanger, and Marissa dusted herself off before turning to me. “I bet. The love of his life turned up.”

“Marissa, can you be serious for once, please?”

She held her hands up, laughing. “Sorry. I can’t resist.” We started the short walk to the shower block, the girls’ laughter traveling in the air. “Besides, it’s true.”

“It sounds like it could be serious,” I said quietly.

“No way. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, the way he watches you across the fire. He never takes his eyes off you, Penny. As far as I’m aware, he hasn’t mentioned a girlfriend to anyone here. It’s probably a clingy hookup who needs a reality check.”

It hadn’t sounded that way, and the fact Blake didn’t give me any details suggested there was more to it. But you didn’t willingly argue with a girl like Marissa.

As if she could hear my thoughts, Marissa halted and pinned me with a knowing look. “Would it matter if there was? It’s not like you’ve been jumping for joy at being reunited with him.”


“Oh, come on, babe. I know you two have a rough history, but it’s just that, history. In the past. You can’t let it dictate your future. Mold you, sure, but define you?” Her eyes widened. “No way. The Penny I’ve watched grow over the last couple of months is stronger than that.”

Was I?

Most days, I didn’t feel it.

I’d made progress, sure. I could high-five the girls, even allow the odd hug here or there, and I no longer needed my hair elastic to ground me.

But the truth was that I was still tethered to the ghosts of my past in ways I hadn’t even realized until I saw Blake again.

So much pain and heartache tainted our story that I didn’t know if we could rewrite ourselves a new ending… or beginning.

“You’re overthinking this.” Marissa took my hand in hers. “I’ve watched the two of you together. Everything you felt for Blake all of those years ago is still there. It’s written all over your face every time you look at him. And I don’t doubt for a second that it’s the same for him.”

Warmth spread through me, and my cheeks burned.

I dropped my gaze.

Why couldn’t I just be normal instead of being damaged, confused, and terrified to step out of the shadows?

Why couldn’t I let myself live in the moment for once?

“I know you’re scared,” she went on. “And that’s okay. But tell me one thing, Penny. Can you live with yourself if you leave here without giving him a chance? A real, honest-to-god chance?”

I looked over at the lake where Blake’s group was attempting to cross the water on homemade rafts. His navy Camp Chance t-shirt clung to his chest as he helped a boy onto the floatation device.

“Well, can you?”

Could I?
