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Blake had healed me once before, and then he had broken me in a way I never truly recovered from. But somewhere over the last two months, he had started to put me back together—piece by broken piece.

My head had warned me, tried to keep me away, but my heart beat for him. My soul lit up around him, and I sensed it was the same for him.

They called to each other like magnets.

Blake already owned my heart.

He always had.

But it was broken now, and I wasn’t sure I had anything left to give.



Age 14

“What in the hell have you done to your hair?” Amy snickered into her hand as she entered the den.


I ran a careful hand over my head and shrugged. “Nothing.”

“Oh, you so have. You styled it. Is it for your girlfriend?” Her voice grated on me like nails on a blackboard.

She folded her pudgy arms over her chest and huffed, looking far too pleased with herself, and for a moment, I wished I was more like Lucas. He always knew exactly the right thing to say in these situations. But I was never going to be as cool as Lucas was.

Instead, I said the next best thing, “Fuck off, Amy.”

“Blake and Penny sitting in the tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes—”

“Cut it out, Amy. Go bother someone who cares.” Gabriel swatted at her, and she shot him a death glare before spinning on her heels and storming out of the room.

“So, what is up with your hair, dude?” he asked.

“Nothing.” I ducked my head, cupping the back of my neck.

Did it really look that stupid? All I’d done was sneak a little bit of product from Peter’s secret stash underneath his bed. I just wanted to make tonight special.

“She’ll notice,” my foster brother said with a grin.

“Who’ll notice?”

He helped himself to a handful of my chips and slouched down next to me. “Penny, dickwad. Who else?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I huffed.

His eyes sparkled with amusement. “Sure, you don’t. Just be careful. If Derek and Marie catch on to the two of you always sneaking out, the shit will hit the fan. For all of us.”

I mumbled something under my breath, trying my hardest to act cool. He was right, though. I knew our little nighttime adventures put everyone at risk. But I didn’t care.

Not today.

Penny was my best friend, and she deserved a birthday to remember.

* * *

Dinner was the longest thirty minutes of my life.
