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“Girls, get over here,” he called over when he noticed us arriving.

I followed Marissa, but a hand cut in front of me, and Tina stepped into my path. “Hey, Penny. Can I borrow you for a second?”

Confused, I said, “Sure.”

She led me to the main cabin. “So how have you found your first summer at Camp Chance?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect but it’s been so much more than I ever could have imagined. I’ve loved every second.”

“That’s good to hear. Maybe it won’t be the last time we see you.”

It was the first chance we’d really talked one-on-one all summer. It was nice but I could help but think she was stalling, and a feeling of dread started to unfold in my stomach.

“Come in,” she said when we finally reached her and Troy’s small office at the back of the cabin.

I followed her inside and took a seat. She sat behind her big wooden desk piled with papers and looked at me with a grim expression. “Please understand. I wouldn’t usually get involved with my employee’s business like this, but Blake is a good friend. I’ve known him a long time…”


What the hell did Blake have to do with this?

Oh God, did she know about us sneaking off the other night? Had someone reported us? Nausea rolled through me, and my hands trembled in my lap.

Tina opened a drawer in her desk and retrieved an envelope. “Here. Blake left this for you.” She handed it to me across the desk.

“I… I don’t understand. Why couldn’t he just give it to me himself?”

A sad smile tugged at her mouth. “He’s gone, Penny.” Pity filled her expression. “He got a call and had to leave early.”


“He can’t be gone,” I said, pain splintering through me. “I was just with him. On the lake. He pulled me out of the water.”

It hit me like a wrecking ball.

Blake was gone.

For the second time in my life, he’d left without saying goodbye.



Age 16

I traced constellations over the bare skin of Penny’s stomach where her tank top kissed the waistband of her jean shorts.

It was one of my favorite places on her body. Her flat stomach. The soft skin just underneath her ears. Her pouty lips.

Okay, so I liked most of her body.

Penny Wilson wasn’t a kid anymore. Her hips were wider, and she had curves inallthe right places. I tried to keep my feelings under wraps, the urges I felt whenever we were close like this, but sometimes it was damn near impossible.

Like now, with her lying in the grass in No Man’s Land with that ridiculously tight tank top that hardly covered her midriff.

“What are you doing down there?” Penny pushed up onto her elbows, her hair tumbling over her shoulders like a chocolate waterfall and peered down at me. I was half-draped over her legs, my chin resting on her thigh as my fingers continued to brush her exposed skin.

“Just enjoying the view.” I smirked.
