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“Well, can’t you enjoy it from up here? I miss you.” She pouted, and I crawled up the side of her body, catching her bottom lip between my teeth and sucking gently.

“Blake!” she shrieked all lusty and breathless.

I pulled back and stared down at her; I couldn’t imagine life without this girl.

Her eyes shone brightly, the way they did whenever she looked at me. Her cute pout melted away, and her lips hooked into the smile she reserved only for me as she curled her hands around my neck and drew me down to her.

Our lips brushed. Once. Twice. Penny teased the seam of my mouth with her tongue sending all kinds of indecent thoughts through me as my dick strained painfully against my jeans.

Shut it off, Weston, I silently cursed.

We hadn’t reached second base yet. There had been a semi-naked dry-humping incident once, but Penny freaked, and we had to stop. I almost came in my jeans.

She was too fucking gorgeous.

Too everything.

And lately, I seemed to spend more and more time in a cold shower, to keep my wandering thoughts at bay.

I’d promised myself not to push Penny into anything she wasn’t ready for though. And after what that bastard did to her, I knew she wasn’t ready.

Weweren’t ready.

Even if our bodies had started to say otherwise.

Rolling half-over her, I deepened the kiss a little more.

We didn’t get to spend much time out here anymore, but it was still our place—the only place we could be ourselves. When Penny’s hands started trailing down my back to slip under my t-shirt, I ended the kiss.

I was always the one who had to shut it down. No matter how much I wished I didn’t.

Penny thought she was ready, she’d told me more than once, but it was too soon. She wore a mask and acted brave in the face of what Derek had put her through, but I knew shit like that had to leave some kind of mark. So I tucked her into the crook of my arm, and did what we used to do during our late-night visits to Lake Cenci; lay under the stars naming our own constellations.

After a while, Penny said, “Do you think about life after this place, Blake? About what will happen?” She gazed over at me as if I were her world, causing my stomach to knot tightly.

I wanted to be—her world.

I wanted to give her the moon and the stars and everything in between. She deserved it and so much more. She deserved a good life, one better than the shit we put up with living with Derek and Marie.

“All the time. Come here.” I looped my arm around her neck, not caring if anyone spotted us, and drew her in tighter as we lay beyond the yard staring up at the night sky.

Hundreds of stars sparkled like diamonds on a smooth black canvas. It was beautiful. A little slice of heaven in our own fucked-up version of hell. “Eighteen more months, Penny, and then we’re free, and it’ll be just you and me.”

She sighed beside me. Soft and full of hope. I felt it in the way her hand lightly squeezed mine and how her body relaxed beside me as another soft sigh left her lungs.

We both wanted more. More than the shit hand we had been dealt. We had dreams and hopes for the future, just like any other sixteen-year-old kid. Except we weren’t like most other kids. We had already lost so much… lived so much.

It was what brought us together in the first place, but now… now, things were different. Sometime in the last two years, my best friend had become my reason for breathing.

My everything.

“Eighteen months. We can make that, right?” Her voice was unsure, and I hated them for taking away the last shred of fight she’d had when she arrived at the Freeman group home with nothing more than a small bag of her things and a shitload of nightmares.

I rolled slightly to face Penny, taking in her delicate features. Chocolate brown eyes contrasted her pale skin, a ton of cute as fuck freckles dusting her perfectly shaped nose. A dark blanket of glossy hair framed her face, falling over her slim shoulders like a waterfall.

Fuck, she was beautiful.

Too beautiful and innocent for this life.
