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Hamish stood, slapping Harper’s back. “How you holding up?”

“You know me. Right as rain.” He scanned his audience in front of him. Every set of eyes was studying his face. “Yeah, I admit it. I’m a bullshit liar.”

They stayed overnightat the German air base and had tickets, first class even, leaving mid-day. The rest of their gear would be shipped through the military transport system, since their gear contained explosives and ammo and extra firepower.

They went to a beer pub frequented by U.S. Military and ordered some of that luscious German beer. Almost all of them got drunk, so they hired a taxi to go back to base, since they didn’t want to be picked up for being drunk in public. Harper had a good buzz on, but he wouldn’t have the hangover the others would.

He showered and stripped down to his boxers and a t-shirt. He checked himself out in the mirror and wondered if he’d look younger if he shaved his beard or cut his hair. He was looking a little wild and wooly. He decided in the morning he’d look for a good barber and get cleaned up. Who knew? He might have to have another discussion with the president. Did he really go looking like this? The commander-in-chief must have thought he was a complete slob.

Patterson called. They’d found the leak. His confidential source was solid, but he had a son who was a leftie and had fallen into a group causing trouble. Patterson said it didn’t appear the kid wanted to overthrow the world, but they used this useful idiot anyway. Harper had seen young boys over in Africa so afraid at what they were doing they peed themselves as they held people at gunpoint. In their mother’s house one day and then out in the bush following a madman the next. He felt so very sorry for those boys and for those families who had lost their treasure.

He felt less sorry for the ones like Lipori. Patterson said his parents had taught political science at the University of Cologne and were avowed anarchists. That’s how the kid picked it up. Who in their right mind would let their kid go off and do something like that? Yup, he thought, evil was a disease, not a condition.

“What’s going to happen to Lydia?”

“I think she’s going to be okay. Depends on how she cooperates.”

“I gave her a little talk about that. She will, trust me.”

“I have faith she’ll be cleared. But it might take a few months.”

“Where will she be?”

“Here in D.C.. She’ll be housed and have a twenty-four hour female guard.”

“Fun times. Will I be able to see her?”

“I think so. You are legally married.”

“Oh, that’s funny. Now you’re being hilarious. You think that makes a difference since she won’t let me touch her—not that I tried.”

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t try to bring out the woman who is still there, Harper. Don’t discard this one. Don’t do that to yourself.”

“What happens if she doesn’t want to see me, be around me? Never remembers who I am or what we meant to each other?”

“That’s up to the doctors, Harper. My suggestion, for what it’s worth, is to try. Try to convince her. I’d plan to visit on a regular basis.”

“Except I’ll be working, right?”

“You’ve earned some time off.”

“Jeez, I was only hired for less than a month. I don’t hardly call that work.”

“You got the package. Everyone came home safe. No innocent loss of life. Yeah, we owe the rental company a couple of cars, but all in all, I’d say it was perfect. Now we’re working on the whole program, filling out the prospectus. Soon, we’ll get you involved. You might have to spend some time here in meetings. We’re giving you time. You’ll still get paid, and so will the men. We all know evil doesn’t rest. There will be more, trust me. In the meantime, rest. Dream, and remember what it felt like to fall in love. All over again, if it takes that.”

“Oh I never forgot that part. I think about it every night when I go to bed. Alone.”

“A good place to start.”

When he hung up, he heard a couple arguing in the room next door. The hotel was frequented by American GIs who took weekend leave and, with little pay, could only afford the strip-down motel they’d housed everyone in.

His phone rang.

“Harper? I’m sorry if I woke you,” Lydia said.

“No, I was just turning in. Everything okay with you?”

“Yes. I sat for my first interview. Then my female guard took me shopping for some new clothes. I’ve lost so much weight my old clothes wouldn’t fit me anymore.”
