Page 19 of Handsome Devil

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She ignored whatever Lacey was trying to imply by her response and continued examining her skin.

“I better get out of here,” Lacey said, rising to her feet, “so I can get ready in time to come back for the festivities. I’ll see you later.”


Annabelle sat for a few minutes longer, thinking about how she’d mistakenly used the word “husband.” No big deal. Dantewasalmost her husband, so it was only natural she referred to him as such.

She filled the tub with her favorite bath tonic, which contained Himalayan salts and lavender. Sinking into the warm water, she pushed aside thoughts of Dante and envisioned the day she’d stand behind the desk in her father’s office, in charge of all their properties and developing new ones. The same people who’d worked at the company for years would be standing right beside her.

The growth plan she’d sketched out needed tweaking, but she’d worked on the idea for over a year and was very confident once she took charge, implementing the necessary changes would propel the company into further prosperity.

Opening her eyes, Annabelle tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling. Did loved ones who’d passed really keep track of what was happening in the present world? She didn’t believe so, but skepticism didn’t stop her from hoping that by this time next year her mother and brother would be proud of her accomplishments.


By the time Annabelle finished her bath, she was relaxed and serene, confident nothing that happened tonight could upset or throw her off-kilter.

Wrapped in a rose gold silk robe and matching fuzzy slippers, she entered her walk-in closet and examined her Oscar de la Renta dress. The gorgeous gown’s appearance made everything more real, and her heart tightened with fear or anticipation, she wasn’t sure which.

A knock sounded on the bedroom door.

“Come in,” she called.

Rocky entered with a large makeup case and a bag. He looked more like a tattoo artist than a makeup artist, with two sleeves of tattoos running up his bare arms, spiky black hair, and a ring in his nose. The hair stylist, his wife Clari, wheeled in her supplies behind him. Annabelle had never seen Clari wear her blonde hair in any other style than the layered bob she currently wore, but the woman was a magician when it came to styling.

“Are you ready for us?” Rocky asked.

Annabelle nodded, sliding onto the seat at the vanity and locking eyes with him. “Definitely. Work your magic. I want their mouths to fall open when I walk into the party.”

* * *

Much later,after Rocky and Clari finished and guests started arriving, Annabelle remained alone in her room anxiously pacing as she waited for Dante to arrive.

She stopped for a minute and observed her appearance in the full-length mirror. The designer dress looked amazing on her. The halter top of white organza fit close over her torso, highlighting her waistline and full breasts. Meanwhile, the skirt was made of the softest black velvet. The sharp contrast of the colors gave her a polished, elegant appearance.

When Rocky had seen her, he whistled. “You look fabulous, as usual.”

And she felt fabulous. No matter the reason for tonight’s party, she looked damn good. When she looked good, she was confident. Confidence could carry her through the night and the weeks until the wedding, particularly when people like that witch Tina Mae took shots at her.

She posed in the mirror, practicing different versions of her smile and checking out her back as she cast a glance over one shoulder. She’d definitely want a photo taken in that position.

She checked the time on her phone again.

Where the hell was Dante? Of all the days to be late, why did he choose to be late to their engagement party—their formal debut as a reunited couple?

Or maybe he wasn’t coming?

Oh no. She hadn’t considered the possibility of him not showing up. She hadn’t talked to him all week.

Annabelle snatched up her phone to call him, but it rang instead. “Yes?”

“Mr. Escarra has arrived and is waiting for you in the foyer,” a staff member said.

She clutched her chest with relief and berated herself for that moment of panic. “Tell him I’ll be right there.”

Taking a deep breath, she double-checked her appearance. Dabbing a little more lipstick on her lips, she rubbed them together to evenly distribute the color. Then she smoothed damp hands over her full skirt.
