Page 15 of Relentless

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Staying in the warmth of the car, I watched through binoculars as they trudged down the sidewalk after leaving the local diner, Bo’s, where they’d stopped for lunch. My head was on a swivel, looking for any signs of Thomas, the guy we thought was after River. I was so focused on the surrounding area; I’d nearly missed the tank of a man storming down on their group until I heard shouting.

What the fuck?

I was out of the car in an instant, cursing Rico for the fact I was too goddamn far away. Hauling ass toward them, I couldn’t hear what was being said, but from the way Emory was standing stock-still and white as a ghost, I knew it couldn’t be good.

The next thing I saw turned the blood to ice in my veins and a red haze flashed across my eyes. Emory went flying backward as that son of a bitch put his hands on her.

“What the fuck is going on?” I roared, my feet moving faster as the piece of shit turned on his heel and fled. I was torn between wanting to make sure she was okay and catching the prick who dared to touch her. In the end, I knew River and Quin would look after her, so I quickened my steps.

Rounding the corner at the end of the street, I reluctantly ended my pursuit when the jackass dove into a black SUV, which was idling at the curb. The second he was inside, the sleek, newer model Mercedes sped off like the hounds of hell were on its heels.

I narrowed my eyes and was able to make out the first three numbers of the license plate. Not that it would do much good, but it was a starting point. Spinning around, I jogged back to the girls in time to hear River ask Emory where else she was hurting other than her wrist. Then I was pissed for a whole other reason as my beauty, once again, took a jab at the body I coveted.

“Just my ass, but there’s plenty of padding.”

“What the fuck?” I thought I’d said the words in my head until River and Quin snapped their icy glares my way.

“You didn’t catch him, Uncle Luc?” Fia asked.

Stooping down in front of Emory, I glanced at my niece when I replied, “He wasn’t my priority, kiddo.” Putting my elbows to my knees, I took a breath, attempting to calm the storm raging within, but as I peered into Emory’s pain-filled eyes, I nearly lost my shit.

“Who was he, BellezzaBeauty?”

“Joel Peterson. My father’s chief of staff,” she whispered.

“Does your dad know that guy talks to you the way he did?” River questioned.

Her eyes left mine when she said, “He actually encourages it.”

The growl which left my mouth emanated from somewhere deep inside. I was on the cusp of losing the battle I’d been waging, so without a thought, I stood and began pacing. My body felt like a live wire, sparking and sizzling with the desire to beat someone bloody for the pain I heard in her voice.

Thankfully, I’d remembered to nab my phone when I’d sprinted from the car, so I took it out of my back pocket and sent a group text to my brothers, giving them a rundown on what had just occurred. Within seconds, the phone in my hand vibrated with an incoming call.Rico. I hit the end button, not in the right mindset to speak with anyone at the moment.

Sirens sounded in the distance as River and Quin continued their interrogation of Emory. I listened as she described the various texts and emails she’d received from her father, demanding her attendance at his upcoming campaign rally.

“You’re not going alone, Ems,” River exclaimed.

“Really, it’s okay. I’m used to their jabs and snide comments. There’s no way I’d subject one of my friends to their nastiness.”

“What about your boyfriend?” I asked while silently cringing.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” she answered quietly.

“You do now.”

No one was more surprised than I was when those three words flew from my mouth, but there was no way in hell I was taking them back. This was the opportunity I’d been waiting for. The chance to finally get to know the voluptuous beauty who’d captured my attention. And if I could take down her bastard of a father at the same time? Even better.

The roar of the ambulance and police vehicles pulling in drowned out any protest she may have had. Stepping back enough to allow the EMTs to examine her, I answered question after question being hurled at me by one of Mountain Grove’s finest, but I kept her in my line of sight. I cataloged every grimace and every single tear which fell down her beautiful cheeks.

Yeah…someone would most assuredly pay for those.


EMORY FOUGHT IT, but in the end, River and Quin strong-armed her into going to the emergency room to have X-rays done of her wrist. After a brief discussion as to who would go with her, I jumped in my car and followed the ambulance, leaving the grinning duo and my niece behind with Caleb to wait for my brothers.

I wasn’t a fan of hospitals, not after spending almost a week cooped up in one after I’d been shot, and I was even less of one now. No one would tell me dick. They parked me in the busy waiting room and went on about their business. It was maddening.

Four hours later, the double doors, which led to the examination rooms in the back, swung open and a petite woman in light blue scrubs called out, “Is anyone here for Emory Daubson?”
