Page 17 of Relentless

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Shutting off the ignition, I exited the car, rounding the hood to the passenger’s side. Emory was still pressed against the door, so as I slowly pulled the handle, I snaked my arm inside to keep her in place.

“Babe.” Bending down, I took her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. “You’re home.”

Her eyes snapped open on a quick inhale, her body jerking upright in the seat. The motion jarred her wrist as a hiss of pain left her mouth.

“Easy. Take it easy.”

“I’m sorry for falling asleep.” Her voice was scratchy and her words were a little slurred.

Reaching over, I unbuckled her seat belt as I replied, “No need to apologize, Emory, but let’s get you inside, yeah?”

She nodded. I had to release her hand and step back to give her room as she swung her legs out of the car, however I was at her side, my hand wrapped around her elbow, when she stood. Her knees wobbled for a few seconds, then steadied.

“You good?” I asked, leading her a few steps to the side so I could grab her purse from the back seat.


We walked to the side of the building with only a few missteps, but as we arrived at the bottom of the stairs leading to her apartment, I realized there was no way she’d be able to climb them safely. After removing her keys, I hitched her purse over my shoulder—praying to God no one saw me do it—and put one hand behind her back and one under her knees, then scooped her into my arms.

“What the hell?” she protested. “Luc, put me down. I’m too heavy.”

“You’re not,” I growled, moving up the steps with ease.

“Luc, please.”

Her whimpered words cut me deep as we reached the top. There was pain in her voice, not the physical kind, but something which went well beyond her sprained wrist. Something I was determined to focus on once I’d gained her trust. We had time and I could be very patient…mostly.

I adjusted my hold enough to unlock the flimsy door and carried her inside. Thankfully, she’d left a small lamp on in the living room, which gave off enough light so I didn’t trip. A quick scan revealed a kitchen on the right and a hallway straight ahead with two doors on opposite sides. I assumed one was her bedroom while the other was the bathroom.

“Left or right, babe?” I questioned, dropping her purse on the couch as I carefully maneuvered through the dimly lit room.

“Leff.” Her words slurred even more.

Walking to the side of her bed, I laid her down, removing her shoes before grabbing the quilt from the bottom and draping it over her body. I started to back away when her hand flew out, gripping mine tightly.

“Don’t leave.”

“I’m just going to lock up.”

“I’m scared, Luc.”

“Bellezza.” I knelt beside the bed, grazing my finger softly across her forehead, “Close your eyes. I’ve got you.”

Bringing our joined hands to my mouth, I pressed my lips to the back of hers briefly. I stayed at her side for several minutes until I knew she’d fallen back asleep, then I stayed for a few more.

The sound of a text rang out when I entered the living room. Her phone had slid out of her purse and thinking it was one of the girls checking up on her, I picked it up. The rage I felt earlier came back with a gusto, my blood turning to red-hot lava when I saw what was on the screen.

Dad: I certainly hope Joel made his point.


Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I dialed Gabe. He answered on the second ring, but I was too pissed for pleasantries.

“We’re taking her fucking father down.”

“I guess that means we’re accepting the case,” he stated.

“Damn straight.”
