Page 19 of Relentless

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“Then why didn’t you?” I replied as I twisted the lock on the knob and swung the door wide.

“I wasn’t sure if the Italian god was still here. I didnotwant to barge in and interrupt.”

She walked past me carrying two bags, which had the logo from Bo’s on the side. The smell coming from them had my mouth watering, reminding me I hadn’t eaten since yesterday.

“Thank God you have coffee,” she said as she placed the bags on the small table and reached for a mug on the counter. “I couldn’t carry the bags and a tray, so I had to make a sacrifice.”

“Well, you made the right choice. I’m starving.”

We sat down, enjoying our breakfast in relative silence, which should have been my first clue something was up. Quin didn’t make me wait too long though.

“How are you feeling?”

“Other than a little achy, I’m good.”

I took a bite of my scrambled eggs, almost moaning at their deliciousness.

“So what happened with Luc?”

“What do you mean? Nothing happened.”

“After they put you in the ambulance, River and I were trying to figure out which one of us would follow it to bring you home.”

“Okay?” I drew out the word, not sure where she was going with her statement.

“Well, we didn’t have a chance to decide because Italy’s finest ran to his car and hightailed it after you.”

“Huh?” I didn’t know what else to say.

“That’s it? Huh?”

“Maybe he felt guilty because he didn’t catch up with Joel.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Oh no,” she laughed. “The look on his face wassooonot guilt. Not unless his guilt was laced with a hefty dose of lust.”

Now it was my turn to laugh.

“You’re ridiculous.”

“And you’re blind.”

“Agree to disagree?” I offered.

“Not on your life. When the time comes, I reserve the right to say I told you so.”

I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue further. The truth was, I wouldn’t mind having Luc’s attention, even if it was fake. He was a great guy, plus he was easy on the eyes. Okay, that was the understatement of the century. He was the five-alarm, panty-melting, orgasm-inducing kind of hot. And when he smiled? Holy shit. I’m pretty sure my ovaries stood up and did a happy dance.

But most importantly, I didn’t have to worry about him using me to get to my father like every other guy I’d dated.


THE REST OFthe morning and most of the afternoon flew by like a whirlwind. Quin and I went down to River’s shop, To A Tea, and hung out with her for a few hours. While I was there, I received a text from Luc stating he and Alec would bring my car to me later in the afternoon. The pain medication was obviously working well because I hadn’t once thought about how I would retrieve my car; something which normally would have stressed me out.

A flutter of unfamiliar emotions filled my chest as I peered at the text. An odd feeling of rightness which I couldn’t explain away. Here he was, on his day off, making sure I had a way to get around. It was incredibly thoughtful.

For so many years, Gigi was the only person in the world I fully trusted. When I moved to Mountain Grove, I didn’t have high expectations when it came to friendships. Why would I? Considering I’d grown up surrounded by a bunch of callous, empty-headed debutants, whose only goal in life was to marry someone richer than their daddy.

Then I met River. After reading about her story in the local newspaper, I felt a kind of kinship toward her. Not that I was comparing my life to growing up in a cult, but we’d both had shitty childhoods, yet we somehow made it through to the other side. With River, came Quin. She was like the first breath of fresh air you inhaled after being underwater. So young, but mature beyond her years. We clicked, the three of us. They were the sisters I’d always wanted and the friends I never believed I would have.
