Page 27 of Relentless

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I was about to agree when he put on the turn signal, making a left into the parking lot for the Shadow River Lodge. I’d heard several teachers at the school talking about their experience there. Some had gone for a romantic weekend getaway in one of the cabins or yurts, while others had simply gone to have a world-class meal without having to travel a great distance.

Luc’s hand rested on my lower back as we entered the restaurant portion of the enormous log cabin. The inside was what I’d call rustic chic, if there was such a thing. Exposed wooden beams, the width of a grandfather clock, lined the tallest A-frame ceiling I’d ever seen. There were incredible drop-down chandeliers throughout, which appeared to be suspended in mid-air unless you were close enough to see the thick black cords holding them in place.

I’d been so enthralled with our surroundings, I hadn’t realized the hostess had spoken until Luc threaded his fingers through mine, gently pulling me behind him. It felt so right, his massive hand holding mine, but I knew better than to trust my own heart. I’d felt the icy claws of betrayal from the men I’d allowed into my life previously. They’d wanted nothing more than to use my last name to further their agendas. Even though I hadn’t been in love with them, it had hurt nonetheless.

Luc was in a league of his own. If I gave in to the feelings coursing through my body, the damage left in their wake would be irrevocable. He was the one person on the planet with the power to shatter me.

Chapter 6


FOR ONCE, MYlittle brother was right.

I’d been nervous as hell all week, trying to figure out where to take Emory on our first official date, so I did what any man in my position would do. I begged my brothers for help. After they finished taunting and teasing, it was Rico who suggested the restaurant in Shadow’s Edge.

When she’d opened her door at six o’clock on the dot, I damn near swallowed my tongue. She looked fucking phenomenal. Did I tell her that? Nope. Instead, I fussed because she wasn’t wearing her brace. Such an idiot, but in my defense, I was pissed she was more concerned about a fashion faux pas than her own safety.

After being seated, I decided to make up for my earlier boneheadedness.

“You look amazing, Emory.”

“Thank you.” She smiled shyly. “You look very handsome as well.”

The waiter approached our table with the bottle of wine I requested to be delivered upon our arrival.

“Good evening, folks.” He proceeded to pour a small sampling in each of our glasses. “The Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio comes from one of the finest vineyards in the Venetian countryside. Excellent choice, sir.”

Emory lifted her glass, took a hesitant sip, and smiled. It wasn’t a fancy wine, not even close, but I’d spend a fortune to make her happy. She was worth it.

The waiter returned to take our order after we’d had a chance to look over the menu. For an appetizer, we decided to share the roasted garlic crab dip with crostini.

“I’ll have the blackened pork porterhouse with a baked potato, please.”

I handed him the menu and turned my attention to Emory. There was a slight tremor in her hands and she was studying the menu like there would be a test at the end. I had no idea what had happened in the last couple of minutes, but I was damn sure gonna find out.

“Give us a few, would ya?”

She was so lost in her head; she didn’t notice when he walked away. I reached across the table, placing my hands atop her trembling ones and lowered them, along with the menu to the table. Her red-rimmed eyes were still focused on the spot where the menu had been.

“Emory? What’s wrong?”

She startled at my words, blinking wildly to control the tears threatening to fall.

“They don’t have salad.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe it’s just not on the menu.”

I was at a complete loss. There was no way a salad was what had her in such a state.

“The only fancy restaurants I’ve been to are the ones my parents took me to growing up,” she started. “You’re going to find out soon enough, so I may as well explain a little about our relationship.”

“Okay, babe. I’d love to know whatever you want to tell me.”

“I was a mistake.”

My hands balled into fists on top of the table at the dejection I heard in her voice. The last thing I wanted was for her to rehash her pain. Having lived with similar torment at times, I knew how freeing it was to have another soul there to simply listen. My brothers had been there for me, and I was determined to be that person for her. If she’d let me.

“My brother, Maxwell, is the golden child. My father’s protégé and heir apparent to the Daubson throne. I was the forgotten condom on a drunken night after my father won his first big court case. You see, Daddy Dearest was a corporate lawyer before he ran for Senate.”
