Page 49 of Relentless

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“Because I’ll be paying you a hell of a lot more than my father could ever afford.”

“Just hurry the hell up and get what you need off his computer before someone comes looking for us,” Joel complained.

“Almost there.”

I closed my eyes, taking slow, deep breaths in an effort to keep myself from storming into the room and throat punching my own brother. He had no idea what it truly meant to suffer. Everything had been handed to him on a golden platter and what I really wanted to do was to give him a good jolt of reality. That and a bloody lip.

“Done,” he said.

“Let’s get out of here. The senator has five minutes left in his speech, so we need to get back there before someone notices we’re missing.”

Two sets of footsteps echoed through the room, then the sounds faded as they took the stairs. We didn’t move until we heard the front door close. Luc pulled his hand away from my mouth and loosened his arm just enough for me to break free from his hold. Pushing the door open, I stepped out of the closet and headed…I don’t know where. I only knew I needed space.

“Emory. Wait.”

Betrayal was a nasty bitch. She’d dug her claws into me not once, but twice in a matter of minutes. It was almost ironic how I’d finally admitted my feelings for Luc, only to have my heart shattered into a million pieces. Rationally, there was probably a very good explanation for what he was doing, but right then, logic was not winning any wars. No. Anger had won the battle and she was pissed.

“Was it all a lie?” I seethed.

“None of it was a lie and if you’d give me five minutes, I’ll explain it all.”

He took a step, but I retreated, not trusting myself with him so close.

“You’ll have your chance, but I can’t do this right now. I need time.”

Tears were beginning to gather in my eyes and I had to get away from him before they fell.

“I’ll give you time, but I’m not giving up on us.”

I nodded.

“I’m going to stay in Gigi’s room tonight.”

He let out a breath, then agreed.

“I’ll fix this, Bellezza. I swear to you.”

Chapter 10


“SHE’S GONE,” IMOGENEsaid as she opened her door the next morning.

“What do you mean she’s gone? Our flight doesn’t leave for another four hours.”

The agony on her face when she caught me in her father’s office had been almost too much to bear, but all the hurt she felt rested solely on my shoulders. When she’d left the office, I did my best to keep my distance for the rest of the night. I hated it, but she asked and I couldn’t say no to her.

“Come inside. No one else needs to hear this.”

Walking in behind her, I closed the door and looked around the space. It was almost the mirror image of the room Emory and I had shared, except for the small sitting area.

“Have a seat and let me hear your side of things,” she said, pointing to a chair next to the window.

We sat down and without preamble, I told her everything about the FBI, the investigation into the senator. I didn’t leave anything out. Then I explained what Rico had discovered about Maxwell’s gambling history and finally finished with what Emory and I overheard yesterday. Through it all, her facial expression never changed and she didn’t move a muscle. I was beginning to worry until she sat back in the chair and crossed her legs.

“Do you love my granddaughter?”

“More than life.”
