Page 55 of Relentless

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“Luc,” I cried out. “More.”

His answer to my plea was a smack to my ass…twice in quick succession. The brief pain, coupled with the pleasure he was giving, blasted me into another stratosphere. I cried out his name, my entire body vibrating from my explosive release. Three strokes later, he planted himself to the hilt and roared.

Circling his arm around my waist, he pulled us down onto our sides, never breaking our connection. We lay there, wrapped up in our embrace, long after he’d slipped from my body. I must’ve dozed off for a while because the next thing I knew, he was leaning over me, wiping between my legs with a warm cloth. He tossed the rag in the direction of the bathroom, then climbed back onto the bed behind me, pulling one of the blankets I kept at the bottom over our naked bodies. I turned over and lay my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

“I love you, Emory.” His hand curled around my bare hip.

“I love you too.”


THE INCESSANT SHRILLof Luc’s phone sounded through the dark room. It was the third time it had started ringing in as many minutes. We’d blissfully ignored the damn thing the first two times, however it became apparent whoever was calling would not be deterred. He stirred, then grumbled before he kissed the top of my head and carefully slid from underneath me.

We’d only been asleep for a few hours, having woken up for round two sometime in the middle of the night. I cracked my eyes open enough to peer out the window. Nighttime was fading, although it was still way too early, which meant the call was extremely urgent. My hackles were raised, but not enough to drag myself from the comfort of my bed.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled when I caught a hint of Luc’s scent on the pillow. Woodsy with a splash of citrus. I’d have to remember to ask him what kind of body wash he used so I could make sure to grab some on my next grocery store run. Speaking of grocery stores, I’d been flabbergasted last night when he mentioned seeing me there for the first time. Shopping was the bane of my existence, therefore I typically kept to myself, rushing through the aisles to grab whatever was on my list, but I was certain I would’ve noticed him. Or so I thought.

Luc stormed back into the room, his cell at his ear.

“I said I’d be there within the hour.”

I sat up quickly, scurrying to pull the bedding back up to cover my body. He was pissed. It wasn’t the usual kind of mad from having been woken up, either. I didn’t know how I knew, but this was different.

“Yeah, I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Rico. See you soon.”

He tossed the phone on the dresser and reached for his jeans. I’d been so engrossed in his conversation I hadn’t even realized he was still completely naked.

Dammit. I really needed to pay better attention.

“You have to go?” I asked.

Moving to the bed, he sat next to me and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. My insides melted like butter with every touch, every kiss, every gentle look he gave me. At this moment though, my stomach dropped like a lead balloon. Something was very, very wrong and I had a feeling it had everything to do with my family.

“Yeah, babe,” he murmured, kissing me lightly on the lips. “I shouldn’t be gone long.”

“What’s going on, Luc?”

“Our FBI contact is demanding a meeting and he wants the flash drive I have with the contents of your dad’s computer on it.”


“I don’t know anything more than he flew in by helicopter early this morning and is being unusually insistent.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” I guessed.

“No, Emory, it doesn’t.”

Threading his fingers through mine, he dipped his head so we were eye to eye.

“I don’t want you to worry about anything. Whatever it is, we’ll handle it together, okay?” I nodded, unable to speak around the lump in my throat. “Rico’s going to drop River off on his way to the office. I don’t want you here alone.”

After another brief kiss, he released my hand and proceeded to get dressed. My heart was torn between hoping my brother wasn’t hurt and wanting to kick the ever-loving shit out of his arrogant ass. He’d always been insufferable, even as a child, but for better or worse, he was family.

“I’ll have my cell on me, so if you need anything at all…text me. Love you, Bellezza.”

“Be careful, Luc. I love you.”

He blew me a kiss from the doorway, then disappeared down the hall. I didn’t take another breath until I heard the front door close. I threw the covers off, noting the soreness between my legs, as I headed to the shower before River arrived.
