Page 65 of Relentless

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This was bad. I’d heard of Versed, but not enough to know any of the harmful effects or even if there were harmful effects. Not that I thought he was bluffing, but let’s be real. Joel wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But, if he decided to use the gun, that was it. Instant game over.

Grabbing a handful of hair, he yanked me off the couch and onto the floor. He tossed the gun and syringe next to us, then had my arms pinned above my head in a manner of seconds.

“This is pretty humane if you ask me,” he said, straddling my hips. “It’s like putting down a dog.”

“Fuck you, asshole.” I bucked my hips, trying to knock him off balance.

“Keep fighting, I don’t mind. In fact, I rather enjoy it.”

“You won’t get away with this.” Pulling with all my might, I tried to break free of his hold, but he was too strong. “Luc and his brothers will come after you. They’ll chase you to the ends of the earth and make you pay.”

He transferred my hands to one of his, while he used the other to pick up the vial of drugs and with his teeth, uncapped the needle. That’s when I fought…hard. I kicked out, rotated my hips, anything I could think of to get away. When the needle pierced the skin of my arm, I watched as he started to depress the plunger. Then I headbutted him so hard, I saw stars and the needle flew out of my arm.

“Fuck this,” Joel spat, wrapping his hands around my throat.

I could already feel the effects of the drugs he’d given me starting to work combined with a sudden lack of oxygen, but my body was in fight or flight mode. The gun was close, except he had me pinned in such a way that it was nearly impossible to reach.


Joel was momentarily distracted at hearing Luc shout my name but it was enough for my fingertips to graze the handle, sliding the gun a millimeter closer. His hands grew tighter around my neck and my vision swam. With one final burst of energy, I stretched my arm to the point of pain. Grabbing the rubber grip, I palmed the gun, brought it between us and pulled the trigger.

The front door burst open at the same time as Joel fell on top of me. Then everything went black.

Chapter 13


IMOGENE STILES WASa goddamn genius. That woman had enough dirt on Senator Daubson she could not only bury him with it, there was enough left over to put most of his staffers behind bars as well. Jack Lawrence had a literal suitcase full of files he’d gathered over the years, which explained why he wanted to meet in person.

Everything from money laundering, to tax evasion, and the occasional fraud. The only thing the good senator wasn’t guilty of was treason. Thankfully, Lawrence hadn’t only focused his investigation on the elder Daubson, he’d also gathered a boatload of evidence against Maxwell and Joel, which he left in our care.

Gabe had already called Duncan and he was, once again, flying in by helicopter. The feds really had to learn to make better use of their funds before they went broke. There was no reason he couldn’t have driven the two hours from Baltimore, but really, I didn’t give a shit how they spent their money so long as they found Emory’s brother and put his ass behind bars.

“How’s Emory holding up?” Rico pulled out a chair next to me while we waited for Duncan.

“She’s handling everything better than I am.”

“What?” He laughed. “The great Luciano del Toro found his weakness?”

“I called Ma.”

He threw his head back and roared.

“What the hell’s so funny over here?” Alec joined us.

“Your brother––”

“Hold on. I had him last week. Isn’t it Gabe’s turn to claim him this week?” Alec interrupted.

“Fine,” Rico rolled his eyes. “Gabe’sbrother called Ma for advice.”

“No shit?”

His gaze swung to me and I shrugged.

“It happened in a moment of weakness.”

“Did you cry?”
