Page 58 of Fearless

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“Smart-ass,” he grumbled around my tit.

I hissed when his fingers found my clit—still tender from my earlier orgasm—and began to circle the bundle, alternating between firm and soft strokes. He was driving me to the brink of insanity when he abruptly rolled to his back, leaving me on the edge.

“Climb on, baby. I want you to ride me.”

Knifing up, I climbed over his large body, my knees on either side of his hips and my hands on his chest to steady myself. He took hold of his cock, swiping it through my folds once, then again before notching the head at my entrance.

“Are you ready for me, Firefly?”

“If I were any more ready, I’d be a slip-and-slide.”

He half-laughed, half-groaned as I eased myself down his hard length. I hadn’t lied, I was soaked, but the position was a new one for us and he was huge. Raising and lowering, I took my time as my body stretched around his impressive girth, creating an exquisite burn which toed the line between pleasure and pain, however pleasure most definitely won out.

“That’s it, baby.” His hands came to my ass, guiding me the last little bit. “Take all of me.”

I was full, so blissfully full that I couldn’t bring myself to move just yet. Opening my eyes, which had closed at some point, I was met with his soul-piercing gray ones, which were so completely focused on me, like he was assessing my level of comfort.

Rotating my hips, I groaned quietly at the feel of how deep he was inside me. Then I began to move. Up. Down. Back and forth. I set a leisurely rhythm, making love to the man who had quickly become my everything.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he spoke softly between panted breaths.

“I need more, Alec.”

Lifting me off his cock, he roughly said, “On your hands and knees. Ass in the air.” I quickly obeyed, biting my lip to keep quiet when he came up behind me. With one sharp snap of his hips, we were connected again. Then, it was his turn to move.

With both hands on my waist, he reared back and slammed forward with enough force to rock my world. If I thought he’d been deep before, I had no idea what to call this. Heaven, maybe? He hit the very end of me with every controlled stroke. Over and over again, he fucked me hard until sweat dripped down my spine.

Leaning across my back with one arm stretched out beside me holding him up, his fingers danced across my hip, down my stomach until he zeroed in on my clit. His pace began to slow as he strummed my bundle of nerves in time with each drive of his hips.

“I’m there, baby,” he grunted close to my ear. “Find it.”

He didn’t have to tell me, though, I was right there with him. Seconds later, my body seized and I was flying amongst the stars he promised to show me, soaring high above the clouds as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me. Two more thrusts then his teeth clamped down on my shoulder, muffling the sound of my name leaving his lips when he followed me over the edge.

Collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion, I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.


“ANY SIGN OFthem yet?”

It was the same question River asked for the last three days each time I strolled into To A Tea for the start of my shift. Sadly, the answer was the same. Alec and his brothers, along with half the Mountain Grove Police Department, searched high and low for my birth bitches—Rico’s most recent contribution to the ever-growing nickname pool—without success.

Frustrations were mounting. How two, seemingly, drugged-out idiots continued to be able hide from a group of highly trained professionals was anybody’s guess. My personal theory, which was not shared among the masses, was they’d left town. The jig was up, so to speak. Why would they stick around, knowing there was a warrant out for their arrest? I certainly wouldn’t, but then again, I had more working brain cells in my pinkie finger than they had put together.

Something had shifted in the air around town; a transformation of sorts. It all started the day after the barn was set on fire. Normally, there was no way in hell you’d catch me at one of those drab town council meetings, but Alec, being the conscientious citizen he was, insisted we attend.

Everything was business as usual until Alec abruptly stood up, interrupting the mayor’s report on the financial stability of our little town, and stomped to the front of the room.

“I apologize, Mayor Burkins, but I can’t sit here any longer and listen to you all speak about this town like it’s a flourishing metropolis. Not when three of your own have been floundering for years and none of you have done a damn thing to help them.”

River and Emory, who had moved to sit beside me, each took one of my hands, preventing me from sliding off the chair into a heap of nothingness on the floor. My face burned bright with embarrassment. I was well aware of our struggles, but to have them splayed out for all the world to see was too much.

“He’s not saying any of this to humiliate you, Quin.” Luc knelt in front of me with his hands perched on my knees. “You’ve done an incredible job taking care of your family. This isn’t about you. Just listen.”

I returned my attention to the man I loved more than life. He was staring straight at me, ignoring the grumblings of the hundred plus other people in the room. Luc was right, it wasn’t about me. Yes, we’d pulled away from the town, but what had hurt more than anything was they hadn’t put up a fight.

Giving Alec a soft smile, I nodded for him to continue, to share our secret.

“The James family has been a staple in this community for longer than some of you have been alive, yet no one questioned when they suddenly stopped coming around. I’m sure there were rumors floating about, but I’m here with the facts.”
