Page 79 of Fearless

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He crushed his mouth to mine, his fingers threading through my hair, tilting my head to the side as his tongue slipped past my lips. We groaned together, the sound echoing in the quiet night.

Soft coos from the baby monitor he’d sat beside him interrupted us before we could take our celebration further.

“I thought you said she was asleep?” I asked breathlessly.

“Guess I was wrong. Little cockblocker,” he grumbled as he stood. “I’ll meet you in bed in ten minutes. Get naked, Firefly.”

He left me with a wink.

My husband.

My love.

Our family went through a tremendous amount of change over the past year, mostly for the better. There were moments, though less frequent, where grief would slink in, knocking me off-kilter. Alec, with his eagle eyes, knew when he needed to intervene and pull me back from the ledge.

Mom finished her book. She refused to let me read it until she’d worked out all of the kinks in the story, however according to River and Emory—her biggest fans—it was amazing. She’d move into the cottage next week.

Walking to the edge of the porch, I glanced up into the starry sky. Even though he was gone, I felt his presence surround me like a warm breeze. I felt it the day we got married and then again in the delivery room. He was always with me.

One step at a time…

One day at a time…

Life carried on.
