Page 21 of Owned

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“Why is this so important to you? Pyron has always tried to be politically neutral. It has been more than a century since the Pyronese participated in any war. What would you do with a power triad?”

“Defend our peaceful world against madmen like Jevara.” His only response was a nod, so she concluded, “I can leave Raina in healing thrall for a few days, perhaps a week, but this decision must be made quickly.”

He nodded and his grandmother Flowed out of the bedroom and returned to her other duties.

Turning back to the bed, Kern brushed a strand of hair back from Raina’s pale face. His emotions were so conflicted when he looked at her. There was no way he could assess his options rationally unless he separated from her. A railed balcony ran along the entire second story of the building, so he pushed open the double doors and stepped outside. If she stirred, he would hear her, but this would allow him to think.

The balcony looked out over a large sunlit courtyard in the center of the guest suits. He had spent much of his youth in the Temple of Air, causing mischief and attempting to exorcise personal demons. He had not been welcomed here until his grandmother became the ultimate authority. And even after she sent for him, it was obvious that the others resented him and had no intention of accepting him into their fellowship. That was why she had sent him to the Seyzon Academy, hoping he would make friends with others of his age.

Kern and Cylex had been drawn together by similar circumstances. They had both endured traumatic childhoods that shaped their personalities and life view. The other students either bullied or ignored them, so they soon became good friends. If Kern hadn’t shut everyone out while he went on his journey of self-discovery, would they still be friends today? And more important, could a couple of outcasts join with an Earth-reared female to form an exceptionally powerful triad? He shook his head, a reluctant smile bowing his lips. His grandmother was the only being in the star system capable of manipulating him and she was damn good at it.

If time really was of the essence, and he believed that it was, the next step was to contact Cylex.

Kern shifted position, leaning back against the doorframe. The new perspective revealed a stunning view of the rest of the temple. Actually a multi-building complex, the temple was filled with open spaces and natural light. It perched on top of one of the highest peaks on the planet so few without the ability to Flow ever set foot within its sacred walls. Most of the ceilings soared fifteen feet or more and walls were few. He’d liked the complex the first time he saw it. He much preferred the effortless elegance of Pyron to the gilt and gaudy excess of Jevara’s palace.

As if summoned by his conflicted thoughts, a small ship banked sharply and prepared to land in the clearing beyond the perimeter wall of the temple. The sleek, aerodynamic distinct design identified the ship as Altorian. Apparently, Laidon had just arrived. To his knowledge, Laidon was unfamiliar with Altorian ships, so who was piloting the shuttle?

Laidon just arrived. His grandmother effortlessly slipped the thought into his mind.You will never guess who is with him?

Given her sudden smugness, there could only be one answer.Cylex.


Telias stood beside Cylex’s fighter watching as Laidon and Cylex were escorted inside the Temple of Air. They had each thought they held his allegiance, but they were both wrong. Telias didn’t give a damn about politics and would never endanger himself for love of a country. He cared about feeding his family and keeping a roof over their heads. Which meant his loyalty went to the highest bidder and lasted as long as the credits he was paid. Unfortunately for Cylex and Laidon, neither of them could hope to match the resources of an emperor, especially one as corrupt as Jevara.

Moving under the ship, Telias sat down and activated his private link with the emperor. To the casual observer, it would appear that he was dealing with a minor problem with the landing gear. The tiny display was only visible while in use and he’d been told the connection was secure when he agreed to have the micro-transceiver implanted in his forearm. Looking around to ensure that no one was paying attention to him, he activated the comm link and waited for Jevara to respond.

“I was due an update yesterday,” Jevara snapped, hostility flashing in his blue-green eyes. “Why are you so late?”

Telias kept his arm folded in front of him, shielding the display with his body. “It’s a long story, sire, but I will attempt to condense the facts.” Every so often he raised his other arm and wiggled a fitting or pressed on one of the interlocking panels on the bottom of the ship.

“Where are you? Are you under a shuttle or something?”

“This will be faster if you allow me to explain.” Telias waited to see how that suggestion landed. One could never tell with Jevara. He was known to lash out without warning and shift moods in the middle of a sentence. In a word, the emperor of Torret was unstable.

“Get on with it,” Jevara urged. “I have important things to do.”

“Kern kidnapped the conduit as you ordered him to do, but he was not actually working for you.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” The emperor’s brows scrunched together, making his eyes look even closer together.

Here came the surprise and Jevara was not going to like it. Telias was very glad they were not in the same room right now. “Kern is a rebel and it was his intention to deliver the—”

“Kern is a mercenary,” Jevara cut in. “He works for whoever has the most money and that is always me.”

Telias knew better than to argue. He shook his head and raised both hands. “I only know what I saw.”

“What yousaw? Where the fuck are you?” It was a demand this time.

Knowing he’d never get the entire story out, he prioritized the events that mattered most and listed them as quickly as possible. “Raina’s power activated—whatever that means—so Kern brought her to Pyron. Cylex and Laidon are inside the Temple of Air attempting to get her back.”

“You’re on Pyron? Wait. Why is the head of the rebellion zipping all over the star system with Cylex?”

“I honestly do not know.”

Jevara began to pace, moving in and out of the camera’s field of vision. “There is only one explanation. Laidon has struck some sort of deal with Zevon. Oh, shit, this is bad.” He paused in front of the camera and looked at Telias again. “Will the old bitch release Raina? Mistress Air and her acolytes are pacifists. She doesn’t have any use for a conduit.”

“I have no idea,” Telias answered honestly.
