Page 24 of Owned

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Kern ignored the question and continued with his inquisition, “We both know Jevara needs to be eliminated. Why join forces with the Altorians instead of the rebels?”

“For the same reason you instinctually came here when things fell apart,” Cylex countered. “You did not trust Laidon to resolve the crisis. You trusted Mistress Air. The only light in your life resides here on Pyron. The things I care most about live on Altor.”

“Your sisters.”

It wasn’t a question but Cylex nodded. It wasn’t just his sisters but the rest did not matter right now. “Did you tell Jevara to draw me away from the Citadel while you went after Raina?”

Kern shook his head. “That was the primary purpose for kidnapping your sister, but the suggestion did not come from me.”

No strategic advantage was gained by lying about it now, so Cylex chose to believe him.

Kern stared at Cylex, silently studying him for a long, tense moment. When he finally spoke, Cylex was shocked by the vulnerability in his tone. “Does Raina know how you feel about her?”

“I like to think she can sense it, but I have not told her. As her bodyguard, I am forbidden from touching her.”

“Well, you’ll need to resign before we claim her so you don’t end up on a penal colony somewhere. I don’t think our mate would appreciate that.”

“‘Our mate’? I don’t know you anymore. What makes you think I would be willing to share my mate with you?”

Kern arched his brows in silent challenge. “How badly do you want her?”

Cylex didn’t answer. There was no need. Kern knew that Cylex would do anything to have Raina and knew that no one else would form a bonding team with him. They were both outcasts, had both been rejected by those in authority. Kern was tolerated at the temple because of his grandmother, but she wouldn’t live forever and her successor would likely scorn him. Not only was Kern a hybrid, but his father had been a violent criminal. Likewise, Cylex had found acceptance at the Citadel because Zevon was more open-minded than any of the other presidents. The only way Cylex could secure continued acceptance by the Altorians was to become part of a power triad. The same was true of Kern. The doors that slammed in the face of ordinary hybrids were thrown wide for power triads.

“All right, for the sake of argument, let’s run some scenarios. Raina accepts us both and we form a power triad. Now what?” Cylex kept his tone calm and conversational though his pulse raced and desire sizzled through his bloodstream. “Do we stay here and defend Pyron? Or return to the Citadel and help liberate Torret?”

“I am open to either, or a combination of both.”

The answer surprised Cylex. He hadn’t expected Kern to be this reasonable. Kern had always struggled with compromising in the past. Teenage Kern had been opinionated and stubborn. Was it really possible that he had matured this much? Then a much more plausible reason occurred to Cylex. “She got to you, didn’t she?”

Kern didn’t deny it. “I was intrigued by the idea of being in a power triad at first, but I suspect I would find Raina fascinating even if she wasn’t a conduit. It might be her unique upbringing, but I’ve never met anyone like her.”

Cylex chuckled. He had experienced the evolution, from impressed observer, to devout fan, to hungry potential mate. “I have never even kissed her and I can’t imagine life without her. She’s exceptional.”

“She is enamored with you,” Kern said, his gaze gleaming with emotions Cylex couldn’t quite decipher. “She told me so.”

“Really?” Despite his attempt at nonchalance, Cylex’s heart thudded and his cock hardened in an instant. “I caught her looking at me from time to time, but she never flirted, never indicated her interest in any significant way.”

“My grandmother will not allow us to pressure Raina.” Kern sounded a bit disappointed. Controllers loved to seduce, to overwhelm a female so completely that she didn’t know her own name. Cylex had no problem with such games as long as the female agreed to play them while her mind was still clear. As if echoing Cylex’s thought, Kern added, “Raina must come to us willingly.”

“I would have it no other way,” Cylex stressed. If Kern felt differently that would end the negotiation. Subjecting Raina to anyone with so little respect for females was unthinkable.

“I agree, but we are not the only ones who want her. Laidon will be a problem. So will her relatives.”

“Both are easily avoided, but we must determine if Raina is receptive to us first.”

Kern straightened his back and clasped his hands behind his back. His closed expression and regimented pose reminded Cylex of how much his friend had changed. For a few minutes Cylex felt as if he were speaking with the Kern he had known in school. But he could not allow himself to be lulled by the familiarity. Something had happened all those years ago, something significant.

“We cannot stay here,” Kern insisted. “I will not bring violence to the Temple of Air, even for Raina.”

“That’s not what I was suggesting. Since my grandfather’s passing, his home on Altor is vacant. It technically belongs to my aunt, but she has never objected to my staying there. It’s not flashy and the location is secluded, but the setting is peaceful.”

“Do your new friends at the Citadel know of this hideaway?”

Cylex shook his head. “I had no reason to mention it to anyone.”

Kern unclasped his hands then nodded thoughtfully. “Comm your aunt and get permission for us to stay at your grandfather’s house. I’ll speak to my grandmother about taking Raina there. I’m not sure she will allow it until she has spoken with Raina, but we must start somewhere.”

Cylex wasn’t sure he understood the sudden concern in Kern’s tone. “If what you said about Raina is true, she might be our best advocate.”
