Page 28 of Owned

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“You told Kern that Cylex was your choice,” Udora reminded her, still sounding a bit impatient. “Why are you resisting him now?”

She snapped her head around and glared at Mistress Air. “I started resisting Cylex when I realized that Kern would be our third.”

“You do not know Kern,” Udora said in the same brittle tone. “Spend some time with him. If he has not changed your mind in a week or two, I will provide you with a list of Wraiths who would be interested in bonding with you.”

Raina presumed Udora referred to corporeal males, not spirits, so she asked, “What is a Wraith?”

“Pyron split into two schools of thought during the Great Upheaval. My sect is called the Purists. We believe that elemental magic is corrupted by violence. The Wraiths find our restrictions foolish, so they became mercenaries.”

“Why won’t you allow me to contact the Wraiths now?” Raina objected. “I might not have a couple of weeks.”

Udora’s chin lifted and determination flashed through her gaze. “Kern is my grandson and I happen to think he will make you an excellent mate. But only if you are brave enough to see beyond his defenses. He saved your life, Raina. You will give him two weeks to prove himself a worthy mate. It is the least you can do.”

It was a valid point. If Kern hadn’t been a trained mystic, fucking her wouldn’t have been enough to save her. The uncontrolled surge in her power would have killed them both. Spending time with him didn’t seem like a lot to ask when he’d risked his life to stabilize her power.

“Fine. Take me to thissafehouse.” She stressed the word sarcastically. She hadn’t felt completely safe since she left Earth.

Cylex sighed, drawing her attention back to him. “You are safe now, Raina. And you will be from now on. I will be there to make sure of it. No one will harm you.”

Clearly, their minds were still linked and the connection worked both ways. But was he just sensing her emotions or could he actually read her mind? As the shock of his response wore off, she focused on the implications of what he’d said.

Cylex hadn’t been there when Kern kidnapped her. Would Cylex have been able to stop Kern? She couldn’t help wondering if Jevara intentionally arranged for her bodyguard to be away when she was abducted? It didn’t matter. Cylex was here now, and as usual she didn’t really have a choice.

“I’ll trust you this one time,” she told Cylex. “If this is some sort of trick or you hand me off to someone else, I will never forgive you.”

“It is exactly as I have said. We are taking you somewhere safe so you can consider your options away from all of the people trying to pressure you.”

She fought back the urge to roll her eyes. “We both know it’s more than that, so let’s call this what it is. You and Kern want what everyone else wants, access to my power.”

His jaw clenched and frustration made his vivid blue eyes gleam. Had he really thought she wouldn’t see through the ruse?

“You’re right,” Udora said, her voice cold and unapologetic. “They want to claim you. They both want that badly. However, neither of them will lay a hand on you until you are ready to be touched.”

Raina laughed, a harsh humorless sound. “Which would mean a lot more if I wasn’t in the grip of bonding fever. How long do you think it will take for my body to—”

Lunging toward her, Cylex fisted the back of her hair and pulled her head back. “We thought to court you in the human fashion. If you prefer an Altorian courtship, I am more than happy to accommodate you. Challenge me and I will respond. Defy me and I will put you in your place. Is that what you need right now, little human? To be put in your place?”

His unexpected aggression sent dark hunger rushing through her body. She licked her lips and shook her head. The motion tugged on her hair and her core clenched. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, but secretly she wanted to act out, to see how long it would take for him to take control. She glanced at Mistress Air and sighed. Now was not the time or the place. “This is a lot to take in, but I should not be taking it out on either of you.”

“Which is the only reason you’re not face down over my lap right now.” He opened his fist and slipped his hand out of her hair. “Thank Mistress Air for her hospitality. We need to get moving.”

Raina smoothed down her hair and straightened her top then turned toward Udora. “Thank you for your assistance, Mistress Air. Please let your healers know that I am grateful to them as well.”

Udora reached over and squeezed her hand. “The universe is more rewarding when you keep an open mind. The truth is seldom found on the surface. You must be willing to dig for it.”

A reluctant smile curved Raina’s lips. “You should write greeting cards.”

“Was that an insult?” Udora asked Cylex. “Half the time I cannot tell with her.”

“A very mild one,” Cylex admitted. “Raina is not at her best right now.”

“Raina can speak for herself,” she grumped.

Neither of her companions responded to the complaint. Instead, Udora told Cylex, “Kern set down behind the temple. Laidon is waiting for you out front. If you are careful when you lift off, Laidon need never know where you went.”

“Understood.” Cylex gave her a formal bow. “Thank you, Mistress Air. I am forever in your debt.”

Slip-on shoes completed the utilitarian outfit Udora had provided for Raina. She’d been in a sleepshirt when Kern had kidnapped her so she was grateful for the garments even though they made her look like an escaped prisoner.

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