Page 50 of Owned

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She chuckled, eyes twinkling merrily. “You got over that fast enough.”

He boldly cupped her breast, thumbing her nipple. “Yes, I did. And you love it.”

She arched her back, pressing her breast into his palm. “Yes, I do.”

A lazy grin parted his lips as he moved his hand to the other side. “There has never been a female more perfect than you.”

She tensed, shaking her head. “I’m far from perfect. No one is.”

“You are perfect for us, Raina,” Kern clarified. “Your imperfections, and they are few, only make you more appealing, more endearing.”

Reaching back, she drew Kern closer. “What happens now? Is there some sort of ceremony? Do we exchange vows?”

“We join with you,together.” Cylex stressed the word meaningfully. They had both enjoyed all three of her openings and they frequently took her at both ends. But they had yet to fuck her pussy and ass at the same time. She had to willingly submit to the most demanding form of penetration before they could claim her.

Raina shivered, clearly understanding what he meant. He waited for her emotional reaction. If all she felt was fear it meant she wasn’t ready. There was a hint of uncertainty, but mostly she was filled with anticipation.

“And while we’re both deep inside you,” Kern went on, “we’ll form the soul bond. It will allow us to sense each other’s thoughts and perceptions, not just echoes of our emotions.”

She rested her forehead against Cylex’s chest, panting softly, but the scent of her arousal grew more intense by the second.

“Are you ready to take us both, angel?” Cylex coaxed. “Do you want us to claim you?” A scalding rush of desire washed over her and spilled into him. They moaned together.

“Yes,” she whispered. Then she lifted her head and looked into his eyes, “I want it all, and I want it with you two,right now.”

Kern pulled her around to face him. “Are you in charge of this situation?” He had switched into master mode and the sudden rise in Raina’s body heat assured Cylex that she approved of the change. “Are you in control, pet?”

“No, Sir. If the situation is sexual, you and Cylex are in control.”

“Go to our bedroom and get undressed. Once you’re naked, sit on the foot of the bed and spread your legs wide. I want this lovely body on full display.”

“Yes, Sir.” She kept her expression calm but excitement crept into her voice. She took several steps toward the hallway then looked back quizzically. “Aren’t you coming?”

“I will come when I’m ready to come. And you will come when I tell you to,” Kern added with a wicked grin.

Cylex stood in the living room for the next ten minutes impatiently waiting for Kern to head for the bedroom. “She has had more than enough time to undress.”

“This is not about getting her naked,” Kern told him. “It is about establishing control. If I want her to wait, she waits. If I want her wet and aching, she will sit there wet and aching.”

Cylex adjusted his cock, trying in vain to find a less painful place inside his pants. “She’s not the only one you’re making miserable.”

Kern chuckled. “You really don’t have the patience to be a controller, do you.”

“I’ve wanted to claim her longer than you have.”

“Then order her to suck you off before we get started because I have a powerful need to mark our mate before we establish the soul bond.”

Cylex nodded. Starting this night’s festivities in Raina’s mouth sounded like a wonderful idea.

Kern waited another ten minutes before heading to the bedroom. Cylex hurried after him but his feet locked up as he passed through the open doorway. Raina sat on the bed naked, back arched, legs wide open. Her breasts thrust upward, nipples tightly beaded. Her legs were drawn up, heels resting on the edge of the bed. She rotated her knees outward until they were nearly touching the bed. This opened her thighs so wide that her pussy lips parted, displaying her core and that puffy little clit he loved to suck.

“Lovely,” Kern muttered as he approached the bed. He stood between her legs and ran his hand down the inside of one of her thighs. “Who owns this soft body?”

She tensed and defiance sparked in her eyes. “No one, Sir. I freely offer you use of my body. But I will never be owned.”

Tracing her slit with the tip of his finger, Kern demonstrated his right to touch. “Do you trust me to possess your body, to use it any way I choose?”

Her breasts began to heave as she struggled with the challenging concept. “Yes, but that’s not the same as ownership. I allow you to possess me. I want you to use me. Ownership is taken by force.”
