Page 67 of Owned

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“If this alliance works out as I intend, we will be seeing a great deal of each other,” Movu pointed out.

“I would like that,” Kern admitted.

“And next time I promise we will request permission to enter before we visit.” Movu gave Kern a quick hug then smiled at Raina. “He seems happy. Make sure he stays that way.”

“I will do my very best,” she promised him.

The Pyronese disappeared as Kern asked, “Shall I send us to our quarters or are we going to walk all the way down there?”

“Send us,” Cylex agreed.

Kern pulled Raina into his arms as Cylex stepped closer. Reality blinked and then they were in the living room of their apartment.

“That was wild.” Raina shook her head, still struggling to believe everything that had just taken place. “I needed a break from training, but this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

“Are you excited about going back to Earth?” Cylex asked as he led her into the bedroom. Before she could answer, his mouth covered hers and he kissed her deeply.

She moaned into his open mouth as she pulled his shirt up along his muscular torso. She wassoready for this.

Cylex tugged off the shirt and tossed it aside. “You didn’t answer my question,” he teased as he helped her wiggle out of her pants.

“I’m not sure how I feel about going back to Earth. To be honest with you, I didn’t think I’d ever go back.”

Kern had been working to remove her shirt but her answer made him pause. “Would you rather not go with us?”

“I want to go. I need to.” She quickly shed the rest of her clothing as she explained, “But my motivation is to protect the conduits, not to see Earth again. Earth is no longer my home.”

Cylex moved behind her and kicked her feet apart. He slipped his hand between her legs and teased her damp folds. She moaned and moved her legs even farther apart, making room for his big hand.

“The conduits will need you even after we return them to the Citadel,” Kern mused, positioning himself in front of her.

“I know.” She gasped as Cylex pushed two of his fingers into her needy pussy. “I want to protect them and be a resource for them, but right now all I can think about is fucking my mates.”

Kern framed her face with his hands and kissed her gently on the mouth. “If I remember correctly in the image you showed us, Cylex was ramming into you from behind and I was fucking this soft mouth.”

She rolled her hips, blatantly offering her pussy to Cylex as she bent from the waist and took Kern into her eager mouth.

The End
