Page 7 of Owned

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Kern’s gaze narrowed and his multicolored eyes gleamed. “Why has he not submitted an application for you? Does he know that you desire him?”

She didn’t want to talk about Cylex. There was no way she’d be able to suppress the hunger if she pictured his handsome face. “He doesn’t know, but I intend to tell him.”

“What sort of interaction have you had with this male? Has he ever touched you, kissed you?”

She glanced at Kern then shook her head.

“Was it this male you were picturing while you pleasured yourself?”

A flush burned its way across her cheeks. It was none of his business. She would not sully her fantasies by sharing any part of them with Kern. “Why does this matter?”

“I am just wondering how hard your mates are going to have to work to rid your mind of his image.” He chuckled and pushed to his feet. “We need your abilities too badly to let a ‘crush’ stand in our way. You will bond with a team of rebels. We will allow you to choose from among us, but you will choose.”

As he walked away, his scent lingered. Dark and mysterious like the male himself, the smell wrapped around her and stirred reactions deep inside her needy body. Why did he suddenly smell so good? She’d noticed his scent before, but it hadn’t been this evocative.

A fresh rush of hunger surged through her and she stifled a moan. She pressed her thighs together and helplessly cupped her breasts. God above, how she ached.

“I have the target,” Kern was saying.

She couldn’t hear the response, could barely hear Kern through the roaring in her ears.

“She isn’t happy, but she’s cooperating.” After a pause, he added, “I don’t anticipate any problems. I’ll see you then.”

He must have been talking to another rebel.

It was her last rational thought. Hunger flared suddenly, spreading through her body like a wildfire. She cried out and moved one of her hands between her thighs. Beyond modesty or shame, she spread her legs and pushed two of her fingers into her sopping wet pussy.

“Are you activating?” Kern asked sharply.

“Yes!” The slide of her fingers was only a tease. She needed cock and she needed it now.

“How long have you been battling the hunger?” He rushed back to where she was sitting, concern shaping his features.

“Days, many days.” She shot to her feet and shrugged out of the robe. After bunching it up, she dropped it to the deck and knelt upon it. She faced away from Kern and lowered her head. With her ass in the air, legs spread wide, she pleaded, “I need you deep inside me.Please, Kern, fuck me now.”


Still buoyant after the success of the rescue mission, Cylex wrapped his arm around his sister, Anias, and guided her through the bustling corridors of the Citadel. Anias had spent the last few days as a hostage in Jevara’s palace so Cylex was anxious to get her somewhere quiet. He wanted her to feel safe. Unfortunately, the lower levels of the outpost were the most neglected. With rusted-out rivets and pitted floors, the area reflected the outpost’s need for relocation and did not feel reassuring or welcoming.

Ahead of them walked Laidon and Shalia. Shalia was a rebel spy who had been posing as Jevara’s pleasure slave. She was brave and fierce, and she’d befriended Anias, making her stay in the palace a little less traumatic. Cylex would always be grateful for the female’s compassion, but he did not want to think about all she had suffered for the information she’d smuggled out.

Unlike Shalia, Anias had not been physically abused. She had been terrified, however, so he blocked others with his big body and hurried her along through the crowd.

When they’d returned to the Citadel a short time ago, they’d found a gathering of people ready to congratulate them. Anias had pressed against his side, trembling and clutching at his shirt. There were only around twenty people, but the corridors were too narrow to accommodate everyone.

Tov, Merrik, and Cara, the newly formed power triad that had been assigned to the rescue mission, were basking in the attention. Especially Cara. This had been her first mission ever and she had performed remarkably well.

“Cara!” The excited call drew Cylex’s attention to an adjacent hallway. Flora, one of the other Hays cousins was working her way through the crowd. The females had been raised on Earth believing they were sisters. Their lives in this star system had changed considerably, but they remained close. “How did it go? I know you came back with both of your targets, but were there any complications?”

He surveyed the hallway down which Flora had just come. There were fewer people in that direction, but it didn’t lead where he wanted to go. They were basically stuck until this crowd dispersed. Damn it.

Cara laughed as Flora reached her. “There are always complications, but we got through them.”

Flora smiled and gave Cara a quick hug.

Where was Raina? It was his job to protect her, when he wasn’t on a mission of course. Was she down here in this crowd? She should not risk such a throng without an escort. A reluctant smile lifted one corner of his mouth. Being her bodyguard was not the reason his first thought had been of her or why her lovely image refused to leave his mind. He wanted Raina Hays and had every intention of claiming her. The problem was that none of the controllers trusted him. He was a hybrid and a former spy. Prejudice against Torretians ran deep. He couldn’t expect acceptance overnight. But he couldn’t submit an application for her until he found a partner and that was taking much longer than he’d anticipated.

Waiting for a break in the cousins’ conversation, Cylex asked Flora, “Where is Raina?”
