Page 20 of The Operator

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He raised a brow at me. “You think I’m going to be able to sleep if you’re not here?”

“Oh, brother.” Sky rolled her eyes. “I have homework to do while you two thrash this one out.”

She got off the couch, but I caught her arm. “Honey, do you have any other questions?”

“Is there a statute of limitations on questions?”

I rolled my eyes at Sky’s drama and shook my head. “No, of course not.”

“Then when I have them, I’ll ask. I know where he was, and I know how this happened. I wish someone had told me what to expect. I mean Noah is going to be in my life now. And I need to get used to that, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

I nodded and turned to Noah. He also nodded but I could tell he was not happy.

As soon as Sky was out of ear shot, he turned to me and smiled. “That went better than I expected. You made her sound like a drama queen.”

“I said she was arrogant and could throw a tantrum. But she’s more of a quiet storm than a full-on tornado. She’s not entirely happy. My guess is she’s angry.”

Noah stood and sat on the couch next to me. “With me, right?”

“You’re a quick study, Mr. Moore” I watched as his eyes darkened, and he shifted a little but continued as if nothing was happening between us. “Yeah, and I think she’s bottling up so she doesn’t lose you.”

“She won’t. I may have only known her for two days, but she is now the single most important person in my life.”

I swallowed the burn in my throat and blinked again. I mean, I felt that way about Skylar, and I had since the day she was born, but to hear Noah, who had just been thrown into fatherhood say those words did things to me.

If I wasn’t careful, I could fall for the man. I wasn’t entirely sure that was completely healthy either. Being a good dad to my daughter was never something I was looking for in a man. Good role model? Yes. But it was only part of the criteria. Yet, there I stood and suddenly that seemed like the most important part of Noah. He loved his daughter instantly.

The thought did things to me.

Noah waved a hand in front of my face. “Ev, you cannot look at me like that. Unless you want us to redo the sleeping arrangements.”

“Please.” Was I looking at him like I wanted to jump his bones? I didn’t think so. I didn’t have a single dirty thought in my head when I thought about him as a dad. “There was no way I was looking at you with lust.”

Noah swallowed, those caramel speckled eyes focused on me. “No, there was no lust. Though, I am willing to bet that’s there, too.”

“It is.” The words popped out of my mouth before I had a chance to think better of it.

My gaze dropped to Noah’s lips then back to his eyes. My tongue darted out and swiped over my lower lip. The action drew Noah’s gaze to my mouth, and he moved closer to me. His head inched forward as his fingers threaded into my hair. The familiar tug brought back so many memories, it felt like coming home.

The moment our lips touched, any lust I was trying to deny came up, front and center. I opened for him without promptingor hesitation. His taste was familiar, bacon and Noah, and something more. He was more than I remembered.

Moaning into his mouth, I tried to move closer. His free hand tugged at me.


Both of us jumped apart, chests heaving, just as Skylar walked back into the living room. Her eyes darted between the two of us. She flattened her lips, obviously stifling a smile.

She looked between both of us. “You two look so guilty.”

“Honey, did you call me? Did you want something?”

“Can I go up to the house? I have a math problem I need Bex to help me with.”

I shook my head. “She’s not home. She’s at the farm looking at my car.”

“Hey.” Noah frowned at Skylar. “I’m not bad at Math myself. I could help you?”

“What do you know about multiplying fractions, old man?”
