Page 27 of Before the Chaos

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His dark blues catch mine and hold me with a piercing look.

“What’s changed?”

“It’s not about getting it out of the way anymore.”

“No?” And I swear I see hope in his eyes. Which can’t be possible.

“No. I want this. With you.”

His eyes search mine. “I want you too.”

I smile and lean over to kiss him softly. “So then have me.”

“If you’re sure. You have to be sure. I’ll give you whatever you need to feel comfortable with this but anytime you’re not, you say something. Okay?”

“I’m sure.” I reassure him.

His lips are on mine again, kissing me in soft strokes as his hands wander down my sides. I reach absently for his shirt, pulling on the hem of it and he sits up. He tears it over his head, careful to avoid hitting the upper bunk and tosses it to the side while I do the same with my own. My fingers go to the clasps on my bra while he starts to work on his belt.

I’m distracted by how good he looks. How every muscle on his body moves and the way his tattooed skin looks in this light. The five o’clock shadow he has making every angle on his jaw look that much sharper. He catches me staring and his brow raises in question.

“You’re really nice to look at.” I grin at him as I slip my bra off. His eyes drift over my face and then down over my chest, falling to where my nipples start to bead up under his watch.

“Nothing compared to you. You’re so gorgeous,” he half-speaks, half-mutters the words as his hands run over my stomach. He leans over and kisses the underside of my breast and then makes his way over my rib cage and past my bellybutton to the top of my jeans.

He unbuttons them slowly, kissing his way along the top as he works and then gently tugging them down my hips as I lift off the mattress to help him. His lips return to me after he discards them. His fingers hook gently into the band of my panties to reveal more and more of me, his mouth kissing a trail in the wake of the retreating fabric. I close my eyes, trying to remember every moment of this. The way he makes me feel, the way he looks, the way he touches me—every single thing about this and how much I want him.

He kisses me softly and his tongue brushes over my clit in short gentle strokes until he has me wrapping my fingers around the edge of the pillow.

“You want more of this? We need you soaking wet before we even think about trying. I don’t want to hurt you.” He glances up at me, looking positively devilish from this angle.

“Yes. I love the way you feel like this.”

He wraps his fingers around the sides of my panties and slowly tugs them down my thighs and over my calves, tossing them to the side with my pants. It’s not lost on me I’m totally naked now and he’s still half dressed. It makes me feel a little self-conscious and he senses it, taking his pants and boxers off a moment later.

Seeing him like this, totally naked, and completely bared—it’s a lot to take in. The tattoos that run over his arms and chest, down over his abdomen and flanking his sides are beautiful. His thighs look like they might be from one of the sculptures I was planning to spend time studying overseas. His dick isa lot. I don’t have much to compare him too, but he’s definitely bigger than the ones I’ve seen in person so far. He grins a little as he sees me surveying him. The brightness of his smile and the way his eyes glitter in this light—he’s breathtaking. Every single part of him is and I can’t help but think how lucky I am.

“Spread for me a bit more?” he asks as he slides back down between my thighs, just before his mouth lands on me again and I have to close my eyes and bite my tongue. The house is full of people and I don’t want any of them coming in here to find us. That’s my only regret—that we don’t have the place to ourselves tonight.

His tongue teases over my clit and his fingers slip inside of me. I can feel how wet he’s getting me and I concentrate on the way he feels. How all the little nerve endings in my body are lighting up under his touch. But my heart is starting to race and the nervous butterflies are there just under the surface when I think about what comes next.

“Talk me through it though? As we get close? It helps with my nerves,” I whisper and he pauses in his ministrations to look up at me. His face studies mine and he kisses the inside of my thigh.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you’re nervous about doing more I can make you come like this instead. Trust me, I love doing this every bit as much.”

“No, I want to. I just like the way you talk me through things. It helps and it’s… kind of sexy?” I let out a nervous laugh and he grins at me.

“I can try. Just if you’re not sure, stop me?”

“I will. I promise.”

He kisses me and then drags his tongue over me until I gasp, working me up again like he likes to see what sounds he can get out of me.

“You taste so good. I could have you like this every night and it would never be enough. I don’t think you realize how perfect you are.”

I feel a blush rise to my cheeks and I grin at him shyly but stay quiet until he starts to suck on my clit, my hips rising of their own volition desperately seeking more of him.

“Oh fuck…” I whisper, putting my hand over my mouth to stifle the small sounds I can’t help.
