Page 10 of Rival Hearts

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I guess this isn’t a good time to say that I’m stalkerish enough to have followed her a bit. At least the bits that make it into the public eye, or when I’ve crossed paths with people who have worked with her.

“I’ve played with a couple of guys you’ve worked with. Youand Bea. You two have a reputation. I’m surprised she’s not here.”

“She’s coming. We’ve got another project we’re working on, and she’s doing some research on that right now, but my boss implied it was a possibility. If it is, I’m planning to bring her. I didn’t know you knew her that well.” She eyes me carefully.

“She dated one of the guys I used to play with for a while. Saw her sometimes at the parties. Went out to dinner a couple of times with them.”

“Oh yeah. I guess I knew that. Her and Rob. She didn’t mention you went out together though, so I didn’t think about it.”

“Probably not memorable enough to mention.” I shrug. I can’t imagine Bea would want to bring my name up with the woman who hates me. Especially if she was going on double dates with me and other women.

“Are you dating anyone now?” she asks as she goes to take a sip of her drink.


“I haven’t had time to create a dossier on you yet.” Answers my question about whether or not she follows news about me.

“Should I be worried?”

“I think I ask you that question. Especially if there’s no girlfriend at your age. Am I just going to find a long list of women ten years younger than you who you’ve been ‘spotted out with’?” Her brow goes high.

“I don’t look myself up or watch my press, so I don’t know.”

“But the lack of an emphaticnomeans it’s possible.”

“I’ve dated around here and there in the past.”

“No steady girlfriend? No marriages or kids?”


She grimaces.

“What’s that for?”

“Peter Pan syndrome.”


“Nothing. It’ll just make it more challenging but nothing we can’t overcome. Do you have a therapist?”

“A therapist? No. Am I going to need one after this?” I try to joke.

“I think they’re good for guys like you. With the image problems. Usually, there are some underlying causes you could be working on. Plus, it’s good if you’re the type who gets the yips.”

“Don’t say that word.”

“The fact that you’re scared of the word tells me you need a therapist. I’ll ask around and get some names.”

I feel like I’m being hit by one pass rusher after another with every sentence deeper we get into this conversation.

“I feel like maybe you should do your research first. I’m really not that bad.”

“Good. Then the therapist will put you on maintenance sessions quickly, and it’ll be more time we can spend at fundraisers and community projects. Maybe even get you some wholesome sponsorships instead of whatever you have going on now.”

“Fuck me,” I mutter.

