Page 35 of Rival Hearts

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“My hair and makeup are done,” she answers sarcastically because we both know that’s not the real reason she won’t.

“You look just as beautiful without it.”

“Not at a formal event I don’t.”

“Fine. Have it your way.” I pull my shirt over my head with one hand and chuck it on the floor. Her eyes follow the motion and land on it.

“That’s rude to the people who have to clean up after you.” She bends over and picks it up, dodging me and walking around the bed to the bathroom where she tosses it in the hamper. I follow her, and when she goes to turn around, I grabthe top of the frame and lean in against it. Her eyes wander over my chest and then hit the ground.

“You can look. Fuck it, you can touch if you want. Any time you want.”

“I have a boyfriend. You know this.”

A wry grin spreads on my face, and she raises a brow.

“Can’t really find the will to care. You could be married to him. Wouldn’t make a difference to me. I’ll happily take over where he left off.”

Her brow knits and a small frown mars her face. “Don’t say things like that.”

“Why not? They’re true.”

“That doesn’t make you a very good person, if it’s the truth.”

“I never claimed I was a good guy.”

“Yes, well. That’s the problem, isn’t it?”

I lean forward, running my fingers under her chin, and bring my mouth within a hairsbreadth of hers. Her lips part, and her eyes drift down to where we almost meet. I can see her doing the mental math of whether it’s worth it or not to her to have another taste.

“Not for you. You’ve always liked my brand of problem,” I whisper. I regret it almost immediately because she pushes back.

“Take a shower. Get dressed. We need to be at the event in less than an hour.” She walks around me and closes the door behind her.

Some part of her echoes the same feelings I have. I can feel it in the way she talks, see it in the way her eyes fall over me. But how to get her to see that he’s the mistake and not me is the part of the puzzle I haven’t figured out yet.



It doesn’t takeme long to find my brother and A.J. I give him an enormous hug that he returns along with a kiss on my cheek for show.

“I see you’ve already found a partner in crime.” I grin at East who’s currently drinking a beer and looking at an auction item for a trip to Oia.

“Yeah. We’ve just been deciding what to bid on and talking off-season plans. Plus I was telling him what a shame it is we’re stuck with a second-rate quarterback instead of him.” East grins at A.J.

“Be nice,” I admonish East. “You might not like him personally, but he’s a good quarterback.”

“See. You’ve left her alone too long. Her loyalties are already shifting.” East nudges A.J. while flashing a teasing look in my direction.

“I think her loyalties were decided a long time ago.” A.J. gives me a small smirk.

“Yes, we’ll have to figure out what we do with traitors.” East fires a look my way and raises a brow at A.J.

“Oh, both of you… Don’t be trying to corrupt A.J. with your feuding nonsense.” I glare at East and then take A.J.’s hand in mine. “And you and I need to catch up anyway.”

“Guess that means I’ll catch up with you later.” A.J. nods at my brother and then follows me toward the bar.

“I need a drink,” I announce.
