Page 37 of Rival Hearts

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A.J. slips his hand around my waist and looks down at me adoringly.

“What kind of mistake?” His eyes dance with amusement at my downfall.

“I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say he’s become very sure he stars in my fantasies,” I say, blushing at having to explain this to my friend.

“Does he?” A.J. smirks at my misfortune.

“Does your ex-wife star in yours?” I know it’s unfair to snipe at his amusement, but I do anyway.

“Touché,” he answers, but it doesn’t change the amusement on his face.

“Am I interrupting?” Quentin’s voice jolts me back to the present.

“Not at all.” A.J. flashes a grin at him but doesn’t let his hand slip from my side.

“Did you need something?” I turn to look at Quentin.

“I was just hoping you could introduce us.” Quentin nods to A.J. “We’ve never formally met, and I suppose it might be nice to clear the air about things.”

“Clear the air?” I ask.

“Yes. The two of us seem to keep getting pitted against one another, and I just want to be sure there are no hard feelings.”

“You’ll have to excuse him.” I glance back at A.J. “He took a few hits this week at practices.”

“I thought OTAs were no contact?” A.J. raises a brow.

I start to reply but Quentin jumps ahead of me. “Some of the guys here are eager to put me in my place. They think rattling me a bit will make me give up. But I don’t ever quit when I really want something.”

The tone of his voice makes it abundantly clear that he isn’t talking about football anymore, and I feel the heat of it in my cheeks. I look to A.J. who’s just smiling calmly as he regards Quentin.

“Well, I certainly admire tenacity. It’s an important part of the game.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.” Quentin’s mouth turns up in a vicious smile. “Madison here knows all about tenacity. She’s been putting me through my paces lately. Fundraisers, working with local businesses, making content for social media. It’s almost like she doesn’t want to spend any time away from me. Just last night she was at my place and—”

“Quentin!” I interrupt him, and his eyes snap to mine. “I don’t think A.J. wants to hear all the details of your PR redemption tour.”

“Oh no, I’m fascinated. What happened last night?” A.J. encourages him, and I’d slam my elbow into his ribs if it wouldn’t be so obvious.

“See? I think A.J. loves hearing about your life here. He’s missing out on so much of it. And you’re always so humble. I’m sure he wants the details. Right?”

“Of course. I’m so proud of her.”

A.J. is going to pay for this later.

“She was just working so hard trying to get the content rightfor my collaboration piece that she ended up pulling a muscle in her neck.”

“You’ve got to be more careful.” A.J. feigns a concerned look.

“That’s what I told her while I was massaging the knot out for her.” Quentin smirks, and A.J. raises a brow in return.

“I didn’t realize the two of you were that close.”

“Oh, Madison and I go way back. Don’t we?” Quentin looks at me.

“Shouldn’t you be with Fiona right now? I thought she was showing you around.”

“I came to get a drink and find you. Wren’s looking for you. She has someone she wants you to meet.”
