Page 69 of Rival Hearts

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“I’m sorry. Did we all just forget the shit he pulled?” His eyes are back on me, searching me and finding me wanting. “Because if it had been Bea, you wouldn’t be walking this earth. Fuck, if Tobias and Madison hadn’t talked me out of it, you wouldn’t be able to play football at all.”

“Don’t talk about him like that.” Madison’s voice is sharp, and the look on her face could kill.

Xander’s face softens as he looks at her and shakes his head. “Listen, I know you’ve always had a soft spot for him but he’s—”

“He’s the best man I’ve ever known. He made some mistakes when we were kids. So did I. But I’ve forgiven him, and we’ve moved past it. We’re friends now, as well as coworkers. I’m not going to listen to anyone say a bad word about him. So, if that’s how you feel, I’d like to go wish Harper a happy engagement now before the party starts, so we can leave without making a scene.”

“Madison, don’t. You can stay, and I’ll go back to the hotel.” I stand, feeling awkward that I’m at the center of this altercation.

“We talked. I think if you two talk, you’ll see a lot has changed.” Tobias stands up for me and my heart swells withrelief. The two of them are like brothers, and even back in the day, I felt like an outsider to it. With years of animosity, I feel like Tobias saying anything on my behalf to Xander is a huge fucking leap of support.

Xander’s eyes flash between Madison and Tobias and then return to me.

“If she vouches for you. Fine.” Then like I’ve been dismissed from his attention, he turns to Tobias. “Do you have any extra bottles of champagne? Harper’s worried the caterers didn’t bring enough.”

“Yeah, I have some if we need them. Do you want them now or just if they’re needed?”

“Just if they’re needed. Just trying to figure out if I have to run to the store right now, or we could call it good.”

“No problem,” Tobias agrees.

“Perfect. Look forward to seeing you later, Madison. You too, Scarlett.” Xander nods at them and then leaves. When the door shuts, Tobias turns to me.

“Sorry. He’ll take some work. You know how he is. When he makes his mind up about something…”

“Yeah. We’re not too different there. Hopefully, I get a chance to talk with him. If not… It is what it is. At least you’re talking to me again.” I offer half a smile, and it seems to smooth the room over. Madison returns to my side, and I kiss her forehead when she sits down, forgetting myself for a minute.

Scarlett’s brows lift in question and Tobias cringes. Thankfully, Madison is there to save the day.

“So, I hoped I wouldn’t have to drag you in on the secret.” Madison gives me an accusatory side-eye. “But A.J. and I aren’t really dating. It’s a bulwark against Dad and a bunch of politics going on behind the scenes. And stuff between me and Quentin just sort of happened.”

“I mean… I was going to tell her later, and then just tell her to keep it quiet so…” Tobias shrugs.

“Your secret’s safe with me. I understand.” Scarlett gives Madison a reassuring smile and pats the back of her hand.

“I appreciate it.” Madison smiles and then looks up at Tobias. “Gossip!”

Tobias starts to protest but Scarlett shakes her head. “He is. He got me in trouble. Be careful, or he’ll be telling everyone.”

“He better not,” Madison warns, glaring at him.

“I mean… if you don’t think Xander just read in on your protective girlfriend act there.” Tobias shrugs. “Plus, Joss will have you dead to rights in two seconds flat.”

“Well, that’s true,” Scarlett muses.

“Not true. I spent the whole day flirting with Nick yesterday. He was there hanging out with Colt.”

“Oh, then she definitely knows.” Tobias and Scarlett laugh.

“Like I said, if it makes you uncomfortable or Xander… I can hang at the hotel. Get some room service. Read a book or watch something,” I offer.

“No. We’ll just have to act more like we normally do when we’re working. Since we’re amongst spies and traitors.” Madison looks at Tobias skeptically.



When I roundthe corner with drinks, I see Nick leaning into Madison and whispering to her as she laughs. She looks fucking stunning tonight, and just getting to look at her across the room like this again makes everything worth it. When he touches her arm again though, I’m ready to break up their little tete-a-tete.
