Page 78 of Rival Hearts

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She slows her pace and collapses in my arms. I run my fingers up her spine and kiss her cheek and jaw. She buries her face in the crook of my neck, and I pull her tight to my chest as I feel her breathing start to slow.

“I need you,” she whispers.

“I needyou.”

Whatever happens while we try to figure out our future, I’ve got my girl back. The one who always should have been mine. The one I’m going to spend every waking minute of my life trying to keep happy from now on.



The dayof the home opener I wake up in Quentin’s bed. The sun isn’t even up yet, but I can hear him in the shower already, so I make my way out to the kitchen to get the coffee going and the food started. I shouldn’t have stayed, if it was a road game I couldn’t have, but he’d been very persuasive with his mouth in more ways than one, telling me I was his lucky charm.

When I get to the kitchen, there’s an envelope lying on the counter with “Madness” scrawled across the front in his handwriting. I open it, and inside is a note and a check.

However things go today, I want you to be able to chase your own dreams. You’ve givenme all of mine.

My heart swells with the note, and I feel tears sting my eyes. I’m not the kind of person who cries over sentimental things. It’s not in my nature—not how I was raised in my tough-as-nails guide to life upbringing. But Quentin brings out every soft part of me that I never knew existed. When I flip the check over, I nearly choke on it though. It’s not the five hundred thousand that Bea told me they discussed. It’s the full two and a half million that we need.

“Oh, fuck. That coffee smells good right now,” Quentin mutters as he walks into the room. I whip around and hold up the check.

“What is this?”

He gives me a sheepish look in return, his steps faltering.

“The money for the resort.”

“All of it?”

“You said investors had special perks. If that’s the case, I want to be the only one getting them.” His lips pull up to the side in a cheeky little grin.

“That’s an expensive monopoly.”

“Worth it though.” He kisses my cheek.

“Except you don’t have one. One of the investors already gave money.”

A stormy look overtakes his face and his brows grow heavy. “Who?”

“Cooper. He gave five hundred thousand.”

The cloud lifts immediately. “Yeah, I’m not worried about Cooper. His special interests don’t involve you.”

“What do you mean?” I perk up.

“Not my place to say.”

“Well, you’ve already said too much. You might as well tell me what you know. Is there something going on between him and Bea?”

“I don’t know details but if there was, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“I mean… they are living together but… he’s Rob’s brother. And Bea is so sweet. I feel like Cooper would be… a lot for her.”

“Maybe she wants a lot.” Quentin raises his brows and pours himself a coffee.

“One cup.” I glance down at the mug.

“Yes, boss.”
