Page 98 of Rival Hearts

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“You are the most perfect man in the world, you know that?”

“I don’t know about that, but I do try to be perfect for you at least.”

I kiss him softly and wipe away my tears.

“Yes. Let me just get in some PJs.”

“Want any snacks?”

“Maybe a little ice cream?”

He grins at me. “You got it, boss.”



The next dayI’m at Easton’s after practice while Madison finishes up some work with the Chaos PR team. She’s been working extra hours trying to get everything ready for the handoff now that we’re married.

“He came here too.” Easton shakes his head. “Told him to fuck off with his shit when I have a pregnant wife in the house. She doesn’t need the stress.”

“Where is she now?”

“Checking in on things at the restaurant. Won’t be managed and doesn’t want to sit down. I’ve at least convinced her that she can check in and doesn’t need to work a full shift. Between that and visits with Gramps, she’s always on her feet. Wish I could get her to settle down more.”

“I imagine it’ll be that way with your sister.”

“Something you need to tell me?” Easton raises a brow.

“No. She’s got a few things she wants to do with Bea before we think about kids. Plus, I figure I’ll let you test it out first. You can tell me how it goes.”

“I’m already terrified. Excited but terrified. All these baby prep books and videos and classes. I’m just fucking praying we can keep her alive.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. Cooper does it by himself part-time. Maybe he’s got tips.”

“Maybe.” Easton makes a face like he’s still thinking about the prospect of fatherhood before he shakes his head and looks at me again. “Anyway… I’m sorry you had to deal with my father. He’s fucking unhinged at this point, and there’s really no reasoning with him. Madison filled me in earlier today on what happened, and I’m just glad you were there for her. I know I gave you a hard time at first but…”

“It’s fine. You had your reasons. I don’t blame you. If I had a sister I’d probably feel the same. Honestly, even just with my cousin, Winter, I’d be furious. She’s a sweet person just like Madison underneath the hard edge they both have, and I get why you’re so protective of her. Just know I’d rather die than let anything ever hurt her again.”

Easton nods and then lets out a sigh. “Given you’re part of the family now and I know for a fact you can keep a secret… I should tell you something I know. But I need it to stay between the four of us; you, me, Madison, and Wren. I haven’t even told Tobias because I don’t know Scarlett well enough yet to know how this could spread.”

“Okay…” I frown, worried what could be happening now and bracing for more bad news.

“A good friend of mine from college is the offensive coordinator for the Blaze. Liam Montgomery?” I nod when I recognize the name. “He started off as the quarterback coach but the way my dad and the GM like to blow through staff, he got a promotion opportunity younger than most. He deserves itthough. The way he thinks about the game, he binge watches game tape and studies and restudies every move out there. Obsesses over getting every detail right. He was a phenomenal quarterback. If he hadn’t gotten hurt would have been the best out there. Probably the best in generations…”

“Impressive.” I’m curious where this is headed other than East reminding me I’m not his favorite quarterback. Though I’m pretty sure I’ll be changing that by the end of the season.

“He has information on my dad. He was uncomfortable telling me before, obviously—it’s my dad. But the stuff he has on him, if the league actually gives this whole incident a real investigation—digs deep instead of brushing it off like they sometimes do—it’ll sink his career for good.” East’s got a somber look on his face.

“What kind of stuff?”

“Manipulation of some of his players. Off-the-books bonuses. Kickbacks to refs. Threatening coaches. Liam thinks a couple of the other coaches will come forward too. A whole pattern of behavior that the league will hate. They’ll want to bury it. He’s a legend, and they’ve protected him for so long already… But I don’t think they can ignore all of us.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it. But I know that will be hard on all of you.”

“He went too far this time. He’s been going too far for years. God knows what else he’s done that we don’t know about. But I’m not about to sit by and watch it continue.”

