Page 20 of His Hunted Witch

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“Give me a chance to negotiate with your family,” he said. “We cannot start a feud. We cannot re-fight the shifter wars.”

Goldie closed her eyes. All witches learned about the wars. While the beginnings of the feud had been lost to time, every witch remembered the aftermath. Their protectors became their tormentors for many, many centuries.

This wasn’t just some backwoods Appalachian feud, though they were bad enough and had body counts in the hundreds in previous centuries. This could light off the whole damn thing all over again.

“Please, I’ll give you anything,” he said.

“You have nothing I want.”

He straightened against her. “Yes, I do. I have a $100,000 table. And chairs. Presumably, they’re also worth something?”


“So you restore furniture.”

She’d never found a man who paid such careful attention to what she said. It unnerved her.

“I’ll give it to you,” he insisted.

Was she actually considering this?


He was offering her a quarter million dollars. That was almost ten years of work to help prevent the fight she didn’t want either. “Deal. I want your dining room.”

He hesitated. The bastard actually hesitated.

“What happened to saving your pack?” she asked.

“I’m just trying to think if I’ve left any books in there.”

She had to be captured by a damn writer. “You can keep all the books. Even if they’re in the dining room, please keep every single book away from me. I just want the furniture.”

“The $100,000 table.”

“Well, yeah.”

“Deal. Every day you’re away from home, you get another piece.”

“But you fix this,” she said, twisting all the way around to drill a finger into his chest again. “You promise you will fix this. I go home and nobody dies.”

“I promise.” He smiled. “Again.”

Belatedly, she thought of her bloodthirsty family out there. “And you’ll get word to them that I am okay.”

“Are you okay?”


“Absolutely. Totally unharmed.”

She winced, which made him wince. She went to hit him again, and he captured her hand over his heart. “Never to be harmed again.”

Slowly, she put her free hand over his. “Deal.”


Aidan slid off the horse and clutched the saddle for a second, battling his wolf, who was thrilled at the idea of approaching the enemy.
