Page 23 of His Hunted Witch

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“You’ll have her back when you agree.”

“And we will not agree until she comes back.”

The younger wolf twitched.

Aiden would have liked to believe that it was more than that, that it was the failing negotiations, anger at the teenagers, or a threat from the strange alpha.

It was nothing so noble or dangerous.

One guy whose cooperation he desperately needed just moved wrong.

Within one breath and the next, the beast was free.

“Get back! Don’t?—”

“Watch out!”

The shifters started changing. It took them longer than him. Another part of his magic was instantaneous transformation, but it left every cell of his body shrieking in pain for fifteen seconds, which turned out to be a godsend because the witches threw up some kind of ward that stopped his wolf’s first charge.

Do not hurt them,he shouted at his wolf.

It sent him a vision of a she-wolf with gold hair behind them to be defended.

He would not tell the beast that Goldie wasn’t a wolf or that the person she needed protecting from was him.

The wolves charged, and he hauled on his wolf’s reins as hard as he could.

The beast snarled and circled.

Do not attack!he screamed at it.

It ignored him.

If there was ever a time in his life that he had to get control of this animal, it had to be now.

The alpha lunged, and he lost it.

Seconds before he hit the alpha’s flank, he clicked his jaws shut, holding in the poison that coated his fangs. It was all he could manage. He battered into the side of the older wolf.

He backed up and reared to try again when he felt pain explode across his left shoulder. He’d forgotten the other wolf in his fight to keep from biting anyone.

With the single filament of humanity left in his brain, he clenched his jaws. He couldn’t stop this fight, but he could keep from killing one of them.

He felt blood well on his front, and his wolf bucked against his hold, now fighting for its life.

With a decades-old despair, he felt himself slipping away.

A rock came sailing through the air and bonked him between the eyes. The beast stopped its murderous drive.

It had never encountered a witch that would hurt it before.

Its moment of inattention allowed Aiden to control at least two limbs. He wrenched backward.

“If we kill him, he can’t lead us back to Goldie,” one witch shouted.

“I can’t believe you believed him when he said he wanted peace,” the other said.

When the trees magically dipped toward him, he hauled on his wolf.It’s four against one, and two of them are witches, you insane carnivore.
