Page 63 of His Hunted Witch

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“No, I hate most of them.”

For once, he didn’t let that comment spiral him into guilt. This felt too good, and he allowed himself to believe her when she said it wasn’t all his doing.

He wanted to draw her close, but he needed to keep his hands on her waist to keep her moving. She was splayed so wide, shecouldn’t do it herself, and that satisfied him in some deep way. She was at his mercy.

It was only fair since he was fairly sure she was enslaving him.

She met his eyes without blinking, and he watched pleasure wash across her face. He twisted one hand to bring his thumb between them to stroke her, just so he could watch what happened to her eyes. They drifted closed at the fresh pleasure, and he said, “No. Open them.”

“Why?” she asked, still challenging.

“Hi,” he said vindictively.

“You bastard, speed up.”

He shook his head, addicted to every twitch of her eyebrow and grimace of her lips.

It took longer this time for both of them, and he didn’t let her look away.

He was making wordless promises to her, quietly revising his universe. Suddenly, it wasn’t his pack versus her coven. It wasn’t his family versus hers. All the old allegiances and rivalries in his life were being reordered.

She was first.

Even if she went back to her family tomorrow and they never saw each other again, she would come before his family, before his pack, before the horses, even before the books.

At that thought, he shattered, unsure whether she had come with him, but unable to hold off. He crushed her to him, finally breaking eye contact.

He stopped breathing when he felt her arms around him in a simple hug.

But it wasn’t simple. They were holding onto each other as if they’d spin apart forever if they let go. Her hands fisted in the back of his shirt, trying to get a better grip as he encircled hercompletely. He was cutting off her air, squeezing too tight, but he couldn’t stop.

“I’m still not sorry,” she said. He almost didn’t understand the words muffled by her mouth on his shoulder.

“Me neither,” he said feelingly. “God help me, I could thank Buck for taking you.” It almost frightened him how much he meant that.

She froze on his shoulder. It was a subtle change, just a tensing of the muscles, but everything in him went on high alert.

“I didn’t mean that.”

“Yes, you did.” She lifted her head and kissed him hard. “Thank you.”

That was not the reaction he expected. “Thank me for… For meaning that?”

“You just solved everything,” Goldie said. She wasn’t looking at him. She was staring into the middle distance at something he couldn’t see.

His brain was still muddled from excellent sex, but he was fairly sure that wasn’t the problem. She wasn’t making any sense. “How did I just solve anything?”

She turned back to him and nibbled on her bottom lip which drove him wild all over again. “Never mind. It’s nothing.”

It was not nothing. “Goldie.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Why did he get the feeling that was the scariest sentence in her vocabulary? What wasn’t she telling him? They’d just had a moment of unimaginable closeness. He was prepared to lay himself and everything else in his life at her feet. She couldn’t even explain herself.


Days went by, and Goldie still hadn’t put her plan into action. Aiden had given her the brilliant idea. If she wanted Buck to experience what she had, she was simply going to return the favor and kidnap the kid.
