Page 3 of Playing for You

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“Don’t forget to send me updates on the game,” she says as we come to a stop outside the security entrance. She turns to face me which makes what I’m about to tell her way harder.

“About the game…I’ve decided to withdraw my funding application.”

At first, she doesn’t say anything, she just stares at me, completely disgust on her face.

Quickly recovering, she lets me have it.

“No. You. Are. Not. Luke Ramshaw, pull yourself together for fuck’s sake,” she says, sounding just like Mam. Mam would have never sworn at me though.

“I don’t know how I’ll get it done, Han. I’m running out of time.”

“This is a huge opportunity for you and your business. You can’t throw that away. What you need is a little motivation. If you speak to the club, you know Auntie Mel will help you.”

It’s a good idea, one that’s crossed my mind already, if only I could bring myself to make the call. “I’ll think about it, but for now you need to get going. Message me on your stopovers, let me know you’re safe,” I say, changing the subject, tugging her close to me for a hug when we reach airport security. “And promise you’ll ring me when you get to Sydney. I don’t care what time it is.”

She hugs me back tightly, letting the previous subject go.

“I promise I’ll call you when I can, but, Luke, I’m a big girl, you don’t need to be so overprotective. You should be making the most of not having me around to cramp your style. Better still, get back on the dating apps and have a good time!”

I hit her with an unamused glare. Overprotective is all I know. Dad died suddenly from a brain aneurysm when I was two and Hannah was a newborn. Then we lost Mam when I was eighteen, so I took custody of her, taking on the role of parentand big brother. Since then, it’s been the two of us and this will be the longest we’ve ever been apart.

“I’m just saying, it’s been a while since you’ve dated.”

I don’t tell her that the reason I haven’t dated for a few years is because, as more than one ex put it, I’m too ‘overprotective’ and ‘over- bearing’. It’ll give her more fuel to add to the fire.

Instead, I say, “Yeah okay, I’ll think about it.” To get her off my back.

She stands on her tiptoes to ruffle my hair and punches my arm, her way of saying she’ll miss me, I’m sure.

“Bye, Luke! See you in three months!” she calls out with one Final free-spirited wave.

I wave back and watch her until she’s out of sight, blending in with other excited travellers. Hannah’s a grown woman, she’s tough, smart, and sensible.

She’s going to be fine. I’m going to be fine.

Oh god, who am I trying to kid? I’m already an anxious wreck.

Back at her flat, I take the time to find a home for my gaming equipment in her living room, avoiding the surfaces where the plants reside. I brought everything I need for three months of work: four monitors, various speakers and a PC I built from scratch when I was at uni.

On the coffee table, I neatly line up various controllers and connect my PlayStation and Xbox to the big TV on her wall. Before long, the space is organised and looks like something you’d expect to see on the Starship Enterprise, flashing lights and sleek black and silver electronics everywhere. I survey the set-up with wonder and adoration as if I’m looking at my first-born child.

I know I’m procrastinating when I make myself another coffee using Hannah’s fancy machine and sit on the balcony overlooking the River Wear. I need to make that call and as I toy with my phone, I can’t put it off any longer.

Raising the phone to my ear, I listen to the ringing until a familiar comforting voice answers that hurtles me ten years in the past.

I swallow down the lump in my throat and speak. “Hey, Auntie Mel. It’s Luke.”

Chapter Three


Unlike the weekend, Wednesday’s match isn’t as bad a loss. I only let one goal past me this time, and I manage to last the whole ninety minutes without having a complete breakdown.

“Seriously, I’m about to lose my fucking shit!” I say for the umpteenth time tonight. Okay, I might not have had a breakdown today, but I’m so fucking close to it tonight. This time it’s not football related or even a problem I’ve brought on myself.

My lovely, sweet and silent next-door neighbour has gone away for three months.

My lovely, sweet and silent next-door neighbour’s inconsiderate, video-game-playing brother is !at-sitting. Night after night, I’ve had to endure the sounds of guns shooting and stupid zombies groaning and moaning through the wall that connects our living rooms.
