Page 26 of Dragon Rejected

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“For my sparkling personality,” Remy said and flashed Kaida a full tooth smile and framed her face with her hands.

A laugh burst out of her, and Kaida couldn’t contain it. She didn’t expect to laugh at all, so when she did, it really cut loose. The girls joined in, and it made them all laugh harder when they looked at each other when they would stop. Kaida wasn’t sure why this was so funny that it caused all of this. It wasn’t something she would consider gut-wrenching, but she did know that it was something she desperately needed.

Once they settled down again, Kaida chose that moment to try to get to know everyone else.

“So, you were all rejected because you were more powerful than your mate?”

Adrien shook her head and corrected, “No. Mine rejected me so he wanted to open a portal to the Dark Dimension. What he doesn’t realize is he needs a specific artifact to do it. From what I know, he doesn’t even know the artifact he needs hasn’t been seen in thousands of years. I’m not all that worried about it.”

Uh… Dark Dimension? Her mate is trying to open a portal to something with DARK in the title, and she isn’t worried about it?

“I wish I knew why mine rejected me,” Remy said as she stared into the fire. “I don’t remember shit. I barely remembered my name when I washed ashore here. The only thing I remember is being told that I was a Meta Wolf and then the pain after I heard ‘I reject you.’ Every time I try to remember more, I just get a bad pain in my head.”

Kaida looked down at the fire. It didn’t feel like a moment she should be looking at Remy as the Lycan recalled what she could remember. No one talked for a few minutes after that. It was beginning to feel awkward, so Kaida asked the next person to tell their story. Sundrei still didn’t look up from the fire. Not once had she joined in the conversation yet either, but when Kaida asked her directly, Sundrei looked at Kaida for the first time. Kaida noticed a moonstone hanging on a chain nestled into her breasts. Kaida couldn’t recall what a moonstone was able to do, but she did know that Sundrei was wearing it because of the properties it held.

No one wears crystals in any kingdom without them meaning something.

“I was born on the Solar territory in my kingdom. I am a Solar Vampyre. My Fated Mate was also a Solar Vampyre, but he was in love with someone else. It was difficult for me to face because I had a crush on him my entire life. When I found out he was my Fated Mate, I thought all my dreams were coming true. But instead, I am here.”

Oh. She is a Solar… does that mean the moonstone is helping her walk in the moonlight?

“If you are wondering why I am able to be in the moonlight without burning up, it is because of my moonstone. It gives me the ability to walk at night.”

Oh good. I got it right.

“I’m sorry you all had to go through all of this. It doesn’t sound like any of you had much of a chance with your mate before they rejected you.”

Every one of them looked at her like her head was no longer on her body. Kaida hoped she didn’t offend anyone because that wasn’t her intention.

“Why were you rejected, Kaida?” Adrien asked her.

Kaida felt like an asshole for saying it how she did. There was a slight tone of being insulted inside of Adrien’s voice.

“Well, my Fated Mate and I are dragon shifters, and he actually planned to go through with the ceremony for us to be bonded to one another. We went on a few dates, and during one, he mentioned that he wouldn’t judge someone if their dragon didn’t emerge, so I thought it was safe for him to learn that my dragon hadn’t, but I was wrong. It came out that I was dragonless, and he rejected me for it. What was worse is that it happened in front of everyone…during our engagement party, and he shifted into his dragon to put me here. If it weren’t for him finding out, I would be bonded tomorrow to my Fated Mate.”

All of the girls shared the same expression, the very same one that Kaida gave them during their stories of why their mates rejected them–looks of sympathy since they all knew how she felt. They were all rejected for different reasons, but they were still rejected and sat on this beach together because of it.

“Well, I know one thing is for certain,” Remy said to break the silence. “I will kick my Fated Mate’s ass the next time I see him.”

It felt good to say how Kaida was rejected by someone, and they understood where she was coming from. If anything, her being rejected may have been a good thing. Kaida was gaining new friends, and they felt like friends that would stick by her through bad situations.

Maybe it was a good thing I was brought here.


The girls continued to talk and get to know Kaida. It was amazing to learn about the other kingdoms and the various things about them. All of her teachings were about her own kingdom and not the others. One day, she asked why, and her father said it was because she would never be in those kingdoms, so it didn’t matter if she learned about them. The things the girls said about their abilities that were not the norm intrigued her to know more.

A Meta Lycan was extremely rare, and Remy was one of the only known Metas in her kingdom. The power to change her form gives her an incredible edge over other Lycans in battle and camouflaging herself. It also, apparently, gave her more dominance than other Lycans, making her a threat to any pack. Remy may not remember anything, but Kaida and the other girls thought this might be why her mate rejected her.

Azulia had a similar problem. Being an Aether Faerie came with a lot of power. An Aether Faerie only came once every few hundred years. Azulia scoffed at her mate for not being able to handle her power. It was funny listening to her go on a rant about how she planned to show him exactly what she was made of when she saw him again.

Adrien didn’t want to talk much about what had happened to her. Kaida could tell that Adrien felt like the world was on her shoulders after the look Adrien gave at the mention of her mate opening a Dark Dimension. Part of the ritual to open one was to “break the heart of the one you love,” and his finding his mate played right into it. There was a small mention that her coven knew how to close it, but they didn’t have the right artifact to do it. In her coven, a rite of passage was to go on a journey to find an artifact that was called to them. Adrien felt in her magic the call of her artifact, and she was pretty sure it was the one needed to close the portal.

Sundrei didn’t talk much at all. Kaida watched the Vampyre stare into the fire and only talk when she had something to add. She didn’t go into any kind of detail about what happened to her. Remy mentioned in passing that Sundrei was still processing what transpired between her and her fated mate. Kaida understood. The severed bond still sent pangs of pain every few minutes. It made her remember Enzo speaking those words and then leaving her on that beach all over again.

“It’s getting late, girls. We might want to head back,” Sundrei mentioned as she gathered a jacket and bag off the sand.

“Yeah, before the Fearsome Four come by,” Remy added.

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