Page 51 of Dragon Rejected

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Blaze’s dragon growled in pain as the ice shards pelted against his scales. The Ember dragon’s mouth opened, and black smoke billowed out of it. Kaida noticed he flew in a circle and angled his neck in every direction until there was no visibility. While breathing in the smoke, Kaida choked as it entered her lungs, tears stinging her eyes in a new way making her vision blur. The wind picked up against her face as Blaze’s dragon moved through the air. Rubbing her eyes gave Kaida the ability to see what was happening once again.

What the hell…

Kaida watched as Beckett’s dragon fly through the black smoke, closed the gap, and wrapped his body around Blaze’s dragon like a snake. Blaze’s dragon wiggled to escape the Tidal Dragon’s hold, but Beckett’s dragon was long enough to keep him in place. While struggling to get himself released, Blaze’s dragon let go of Kaida, sending her through the air toward the water.

Her wailing screams scorched the back of her throat as Kaida flailed her arms as if she could grab onto something to stop her fall. Her stomach was in her throat as her body went head over feet while she fell. Over her own screams, Kaida heard Beckett’s dragon cry out when he noticed her falling. Through their bond, Kaida could feel Beckett panic as he watched her fall closer to the water.

GREAT DRAGON, I BEG OF YOU! SAVE ME!Kaida pleaded as the whistling wind and tears forming blurred her vision.

Breathe, my companion. I got us.

A warmth formed in the center of her chest and spread out through her body. Kaida watched through her blurred vision as deep purple scales formed all over her skin. There was a popping sound of her bones moving inside of her and pain radiated through every joint within her body. Kaida screamed from the pain and blacked out for a moment. When she came to, her vision was no longer blurred. The warmth eased the pain and then replaced it with a sizzling sensation. Arcs of purple light danced all over her skin as the scales grew in size. Before she knew it, Kaida’s hands grew into claws. The purple arcs burst into a blinding light, and she could feel her wings burst from her back. The wind caught underneath them and slowed her descendance just before she hit the water. Sprays of water sprung up around her as her dragon flew parallel to the ocean. Her dragon pulled their body upward a few feet and then looked down at their reflection.

Oh. My. Gods!

Kaida couldn’t believe the sight before her. Her dragon was magnificent! The scales were a deep purple that reminded her of the darkest amethysts with a lighter purple underneath her chin that ran down to her tail. Its eyes were the color of lilacs and held a fierceness inside of them that made her grin. Every inch of her body looked lean and agile, but also somehow bigger than she had ever seen on a dragon. Kaida cackled while inside of her dragon’s mind, giddiness bubbling knowing that her dragon had finally emerged.

The dragon flapped its mighty wings and soared through the air at an incredible speed. Her dragon tipped to its side so one of her wings could graze the water. When she quickly changed directions, her agility was able to move in the blink of an eye. She made her way toward the beach that she had dropped on and hovered over it. Kaida whistled in the wind and flapping of wings, and she looked around to see Beckett’s dragon slowly approaching from the other side. Arlo and Esen had their wings out and were flying over to them as well. Her dragon’s growl reverberated inside of its chest as a warning, and all three of them stopped.

Then she heard flapping behind her. Kaida’s dragon flapped her wings and gained altitude as she came face-to-face with Blaze’s dragon. The Ember dragon roared at her, but Kaida’s didn’t budge. Blaze’s dragon opened his mouth and an orange glow formed in the back of its throat. Kaida’s dragon opened her own mouth and let out a sphere of purple magic with a stream billowing into it. The sphere flew out a few feet and then opened up into a shield just as Beckett’s fire blew out of its mouth. The fire collided with the shield and fanned out around it. Both dragons continued to feed into the magic between them, waiting for the other to give way and yield.

Shockingly, Blaze’s dragon stopped first.

Kaida’s dragon then tilted its head back and let a stream of magic explode into the sky. When the magic reached the clouds, a dark purple cloud formed until it nearly covered the entire island. Arcs of purple lightning crackled in the purple cloud, rods of it bursting downward all across the sky. The roar that came next sounded so primal, so prehistoric, that it sent a chill down Kaida’s back.

She noticed that Blaze’s dragon was now with the others. Beckett and Blaze remained in their dragon form; Arlo and Esen were standing on the sand. The Breeze and Terrain Princes then kneeled and bowed their heads toward her. Beckett’s dragon quickly followed. Blaze’s dragon slowly did the same, keeping eye contact with Kaida’s dragon. When Kaida’s dragon let out a fierce roar, all four of the princes then lowered their heads more to pay respect to her dragon.

What is happening? Why are they bowing?

Because we are a Plasma Dragon. The most powerful of them all, and the true ruler of all Dragons.

The End
