Page 11 of Her Saint

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“Online?” The enthusiasm has disappeared from Mom’s voice now. She believes every man you meet online is a predator.She’s not far off. “Just be careful. Text me the address where you’re meeting him. And call me assoonas you’re home and safe.”

After seeing some mystery man lurking on my property the other night, I’m not entirely sure how safe home really is anymore. But I’m not the kind of idiot who will tell her paranoid mother that.

A family of four slips through the door of the pub ahead of me. Thank god I’m almost there.

“I will,” I promise my mother.

“Did you bring your pepper spray?”

I catch the door before it shuts and slip inside. “I gotta go, Mom!”

Austin is already waiting for me at a round table in the corner. He looks exactly like his pictures, thank god. Thanks to the layer of makeup, so do I. He stands to shake my hand, which is oddly formal, but he does pull my chair out for me.

For a second, I almost think he stands a chance until he launches into a monologue about his qualifications like this is a job interview. He spends twenty minutes raving about his father’s law firm and how he’ll be a partner at just twenty-eight. To make matters worse, I only have nachos to distract me because apparently, they’re all out of tacos. I didn’t even realize that was a possibility.

I’d love to excuse myself to the bathroom and call Mack to stage a run-in and get me the hell out of here, but I need to get fucked tonight. It’s been over a year, and this dry spell needs to end now that my vibrator’s taken a shit and Mack reactivated all my dating profiles. Austin’s personality may not do the trick for me, but his body might.

He offers to split the check, which makes me cringe internally and consider not inviting him back to my place at all. I don’t give a shit about paying for my own meal, but I operate under thepremise that whoever asks the other person out should be the one to pay. Plus, his initial proposition to me was literallyCan I buy you dinner?

While he’s in the restroom, I text all of this to Mack, who only asks:

Are you still going to fuck him?

Jury’s out. We’ll see how the makeout sesh goes.

When we leave the bistro, we hover awkwardly on the sidewalk. “So,” Austin says, “did you want to keep the good times rolling?”

Ugh. I can’t believe I’m actually going through with this. I grab his hand. “I was thinking we could go back to my place.”

A surprised grin flashes across his square face and he nods.

The glint of gold on his wrist catches my eye, and I lift his hand to eye level, examining the trim of gold around the oval clock face. “I like your watch.”

“Thanks. It’s a Rolex.”

I roll my eyes, but thankfully, he doesn’t notice. Too busy asking me inane questions the rest of the way to my house, all of which I barely offer more than one-word answers, too preoccupied with wondering if I remembered to clean the bedroom and if any of my sexy lingerie still fits.

As we approach my house, I scan the yard for the masked man in the shadows.

“Everything all right?” Austin asks.

The yard is empty. We’re alone. Yet I still can’t shake the feeling of being watched. Maybe once you find a masked man staring at you through your window, you never shake off that feeling. “Yep. Just fine.”

I lead the way into the house, Cookie darting off to hide as soon as she spots Austin behind me. The only person she likes to be around is Mack. She even hides when Mom visits. I nearly sigh in relief when I spot the empty sink. My house is cluttered, but at least it’s organized clutter.

“Do you want a tour?” I ask, regretting the words the instant they leave my mouth. Who actually wants a tour of someone’s place before a casual hookup?

He pins me back against the door, smiling. “I want a tour of something else.”

Normally, being pushed up against a door would instantly turn me on, but for some reason, not even a flutter of arousal stirs in my belly.

Austin presses his body into mine, already hard, though I’m not totally sure if that’s an erection or just the fabric of his jeans.

Saint’s face flashes in front of me, his body the one bracing above mine, the feel of his cock long and hard pressing against me. A promise of what’s to come.

I shake the image out of my head, forcing myself to focus on Austin.

His mouth lands on my neck, but he doesn’t take the opportunity to suck or bite. He trails feather-light kisses along my skin that do absolutely nothing to get me in the mood. The combination of nachos and cheese sit heavy in my stomach, and I press his hands to my tits, hoping that’ll make me feel something. Anything.
