Page 19 of Her Saint

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I frown. “What the hell is that?”

He smirks. “Your driver’s license number.”

I scramble for my purse, digging for my wallet until I find my license. Of course my goddamn phone isn’t in here. I probably left it out in the car, distracted by the police cruiser in my driveway and the cops at my door.

I examine my license. 879?—

Shit. He memorized my fucking driver’s license number. I whirl on him. “Are you trying to steal my identity or something?”

“Only your heart, muse.”

“Don’t call me that,” I hiss.

“I’ll call you whatever I want, sinner. You’re mine. You belong to me now.”

His words sicken me. I’m not some piece of property for him to own. For him to simply decide to take as if I don’t have a mind or will of my own. “Stop saying that,” I growl.

Saint closes the distance between us again, and I’m sick of this dance, so this time, I don’t back down. I don’t step away. Ikeep my chin high, craning my neck to stare up into his eyes. A dark, glinting gaze that shouldn’t turn my core molten.

“Why are you here, Saint?” I repeat. “Why the fuck did you break into my house? To kill me?”

Even as I will strength and fury into my voice, it cracks on the final words.

He shakes his head, gliding a thumb down from my hairline to my jaw. I try not to let the effect his touch has on me show, hope he doesn’t notice the goosebumps on my skin. “No, Briar. I would never hurt you.Never.” His low baritone is so resolute, I almost believe him.

If he wasn’t an intruder in my home who’d just confessed to murder, I might.

“Then why. Are. You. Here?” I repeat, every word tinged with fury.

His voice lowers as he leans down until his breath grazes my skin with every word. “Because it’s your turn to get what you most desire.”

A shiver rolls down my spine. “How the hell would you know what I most desire?” I challenge.

“Because, muse, I know you. I’m going to know you to your very core.”

I don’t move as his inky eyes, his sharp jawline, his pouty lips, get closer. Too close, until my eyes involuntarily flutter shut and his mouth brushes against mine, making my breath catch and heart leap into my throat.

His soft lips send electricity pulsing through my veins, stomach somersaulting with a violent mix of adrenaline, nerves, and impossibly...lust.

He keeps his mouth gentle, a smooth, enormous hand cradling my jaw, thumb brushing over my cheek.

Until I gasp and come to my senses, shoving him away as hard as I can. The unexpected strike knocks him back. But only a step. “Get out.”

A panty-melting smile crosses his face. The sound that escapes his lips is somewhere between a soft groan and a breathy laugh before he whispers, “Fuck.”

My stomach flips. As he heads for the door, my chest fills with a confusing mix of relief, longing, and disappointment, my lips still tingling and heart thundering.

Holy shit. Did that just happen? My stalkerkissedme.

And Ilethim. After he broke into my house.

I was in shock, that’s all. A fear response—fight, flight, or freeze. I froze.

I’m in fight mode now.

I scramble to snatch up the pan he tossed to the floor like it was made of cardboard and hold it above my shoulder again, just in case he gets the wrong idea about that meaningless kiss.
