Page 26 of Her Saint

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“Maybe I can talk to one of my buddies down at the station. See if they can run a background check on the guy for us.”

“You have cop friends?”

“Yeah, I was one.”

This is news to me but not exactly surprising. Trevor takes his job far more seriously than any of the other guards on campus. “Why aren’t you anymore?”

He shrugs. “Got tired of it. Wanted something more lowkey.”

“You definitely came to the right place. Nothing ever happens here.” I gesture to the sprawling campus enveloped in autumnal beauty. “Well, except when I get a stalker.”

Trevor’s brows furrow. “He’s followed you to campus?”

“He’s a student.”

He drags both hands down his face. “Jesus.” When he finally drops his hands, he meets my eyes with an imploring puppy gaze. “Does he seem dangerous?”

“Um. I’m pretty sure every stalker is inherently dangerous.”

Trevor doesn’t laugh at my pathetic attempt at deflective humor. “I mean, do you think he’s capable of worse than following you around campus?”

I nod and whisper, “Yes.”

Far, far worse.

“Fuck,” Trevor hisses, shaking his head before he places a hand on my arm reassuringly. “This is what we’re gonna do: Whenever he’s around, you call or text me. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I manage a small smile but shake him off. “Thanks, but I don’t want to put you at risk. If he sees you near me,definitelyif he sees you touching me, you’ll have a target on your back too.”

Trevor stands, glowering. “I can handle that douchebag.”

I almost want to tell him that Saint has literally already killed someone, but I bite my tongue. Trevor is trying to help me, to make me feel better. But even with Trevor patrolling campus, even if he offers to show up whenever I call, that doesn’t mean he’ll get to me when I need him.

After my father cheated on my mother, and we discovered he’d had multiple affairs with dozens of women over the years, I learned you can’t rely on any man.

I need to stop Saint myself.



Briar thinksby avoiding her house as much as possible, she’ll deter me. Even after Austin, she still has no idea the lengths I will go to for her.

She’s the only patron in the Auburn Institute’s library, one hour remaining until the place closes for the night. Bags under her eyes as she pours over a thick tome in front of her make my spine stiffen. The only reason she should be losing sleep is because she’s spending all night coming on my cock, not because her fear is keeping her awake.

Soon, she’ll learn she has nothing to fear from me.

I slide into the seat across from her and her head jerks up, tossing the hair that’s fallen onto her delicate, round face. Her crystal-blue eyes narrow on me, and she moves to stand until I grab her hand.

She’s frozen, unsure whether to fight or flee.

“I found your wishlist.”

“What wishlist?” she demands, snatching her hand from my grasp but remaining in her seat. A victory.

“Your book wishlist.” I smirk when her eyes widen. “Don’t act so surprised. It’s public information.”

“So did you buy me a new book then?” Sarcasm drips from her every word.
