Page 54 of Her Saint

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I huff, spine stiffening. “Obviously not. I’m not an idiot.”

“I know you’re not. I just needed to make sure he wasn’t getting in your head.” Trevor sighs. “I’m sure an author who gets off on stalking his fans has a way with words.”

Trevor hasnoidea.

“Did any of the footage show a black BMW?” I ask. “There was one following me to work one morning. And I saw it again on campus. Some blonde girl was driving it.”

He tilts his head. “A blonde girl? Any idea who she could be?”

“No clue. I only caught a glimpse of her profile, but she didn’t look familiar. I’m thinking she could be a private investigator.” I haven’t seen her since, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t beenfollowing me. Jesus, the universe must really be punishing me for some bad karma if I have not one stalker buttwo.

“Why would a private investigator be after you?”

“Because I’m ninety-nine percent sure the police think I gave Austin the drugs that killed him.” Even if they have zero proof, their skepticism was clear and I’m the last known person to have seen him alive.

The last person the police know about, anyway.

“I’ll look into it,” Trevor promises.

“Thanks,” I murmur, relieved when he turns to leave and Saint doesn’t step out of the shadows to murder him for daring to speak to me.

“And Briar?” Trevor calls. “Don’t fall in love with a psycho.”



Briar Shea is welland truly mine. She might as well change her last name to de Haas now. She’s certainly already Briar de Haas in my mind.

Watching her come was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Akin to hitting your head and suddenly acquiring a new language. Like witnessing a miracle happening before your eyes, and in that moment, experiencing a revelation that changes you to the core.

She is more than my muse—she’s my goddess, and I’ll worship at her altar every second she desires.

I’d love to leave this MFA program altogether. Whisk her away to my manor in the mountains and spend every day for the rest of our lives enveloped in inspiration and ecstasy. She won’t leave Mack behind, but her best friend could join us for all I care. There’s more than enough room in my manor for Mack and both cats. She’d have an entire wing to herself, and neither of them would ever want for anything. Never work another day in their lives and spend as many movie nights together as their hearts desire.

As long as I get to keep my muse. As long as she’s mine.

But she’s still convinced a professorship teaching pretentious literary writers is her dream job. Still worth dodging the unwanted advantages of her lecherous boss.

I have no such conviction.

If this man drops dead in the next five seconds, it won’t be soon enough.

After class, Briar scrambles to gather her belongings and Professor Molester lingers behind. So do I. I’ll crawl through hell before I leave her alone with him.

Professor Molester obviously doesn’t notice me at the back of the room, the lone student remaining to observe his interaction with my muse.Mine.

“How about getting those drinks tonight?” The flirtatious smile across his saggy jowls should be reserved for his wife.

Briar’s eyes pop. “Oh, um, I actually can’t tonight?—”

“You said that last time.” He waves his hand dismissively. “A young, vivacious woman like yourself should be eager for a night on the town.”

Jesus Christ. What the hell does he know about young, vivacious women?Take your wife out and leave the women half your age alone.

He reminds me all too much of the man in my room when I was ten, cradling my face while my mother was gone and he knew he could get me alone. Taking advantage when I was most vulnerable.

My fists clench, my mind fighting against every cell in my body, longing to spring out of my seat and get her the fuck away from him. But I know her—the last thing she wants is for me to fight her battles for her and risk the promotion that she’s already sacrificed her dignity to attain. She’s come this close, and I won’t be the one who spoils this for her. I won’t give her a reason to resent me.
