Page 21 of Torn

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They hadn’t brought in any more girls after me, but a few were led away in chains, their cells remaining empty. Whether they’d been sold, or were just being moved like I was, I didn’t know. Guards around here had loose lips whenever they thought we were all asleep, but they mainly talked about upcoming assignments and the pussy at each facility like the fucking assholes they were.

But, hey at least Boris hadn’t graced me with his presence since our impromptu photo shoot. If you could call it that. He’d strung me up and stepped on my bare foot with the heel of his boot while another guard snapped the pic. Then they’d thrown me in a cell and left me alone. Which was fine by me. I was in no rush to return to Boris’s side and play any more of his sick games.

As it was, every time I shut my eyes, I saw her face. The girl Jules had risked everything for. All the pent-up anger and resentment I’d once felt for him was gone. I should be relieved, but all it made me feel was empty.

Maybe Boris had succeeded in breaking me. Lots of people had tried and failed over the years, but for him it had been child’s play. He’d been right about one thing. The man was an expert at torture, and he didn’t even have to touch a hair on your head to do it.

Heavy footfalls echoed outside my cell like the march of an executioner. He’d finally come back for me. My fight-or-flight instincts had let me down thus far, but at some point, my sense of self-preservation had to kick in. Didn’t it?

Boris filled the space on the other side of the bars, and I felt myself shrinking back. His demented grin only made his ugly face seem even more wrong as he unlocked the bars and slid them aside.

“Are you coming out, or should I go in after you?”

My legs shook, and I wasn’t even sure how I was able to stand, but I wasn’t about to be stuck in a small space with this monster. It was wobbly at best, but I lifted my head and concentrated on a speck of lint clinging to his shoulder. Stupidly, it helped. The monster of my nightmares had morphed back into a man. A beast of man, but a man nonetheless.

He moved to the right of the door to let me pass, his bushy brows drawn down into what could possibly be a frown. Then again, it could also be disappointment. Either way, he didn’t waste any time grabbing my arm in his punishing grip and dragging me along the row of benches. My heart fluttered wildly in my chest, waiting for him to stop at one, but he kept going.

A guard stood on either side of an open doorway, both of them nodding to Boris as he shoved me inside and closed the door. This room was something straight out of a horror film, and I backed right into his chest and froze. His hand clamped down around my wrist and it was as if someone had flipped my switch.

My nails clawed at any piece of available skin I could reach as the heel of my foot came down on the top of his boot. Pain shot up my leg and his laughter made me fight even harder. I kicked, bucked, swatted, and clawed for all I was worth, but no matter what I did, we kept getting closer to the hospital bed at the center of the room.

Fuck this and fuck him.

He howled when I bit down on his forearm, but kept moving toward the abomination at the center of the room. My legs dangled as he finally lifted me, my fists pounding against his head and back as he shackled one of my legs. The other caught him in the side of the face, for all the good it did me, before he shackled that one.

Blood ran down his face and his nose looked a little crooked by the time he attached my hands to either side of the bed.

We looked at each other, both of our chests heaving, me naked and splayed while he seemed totally unaffected. He didn’t even bother wiping off the blood seeping from his nose, instead opting to move closer and let it drip onto my thigh.

“Someone’s eager to play.”

“Fuck you,” I hissed, frantically pulling on my arms.

The leather manacles cut into my wrists, but I didn’t care. I’d gotten a glimpse of all the shit laid out on the table beside me and attached to the walls. Toys that mingled pleasure with pain, only I didn’t need to be told there was only going to be pain.

“That’s certainly on the table”—he chuckled—“but I’ll need to prepare you first.”

My body thrashed like a fish out of water. He could fuck right off if he thought I was going to make this easy for him. Not that it fazed him any. He took his time arranging the torture devices spread out on the table.

The corner of his lips curled upward as he climbed on top of me. His massive legs pinned my arms down, his fly eye level with my face. Let that fucker whip his dick out. I’d bite that shit clean off.

“Tsk, tsk,” he hummed as he leaned back and grabbed something I couldn’t see off the table.

I felt a pinch on my clit like he’d clamped something onto it, which was uncomfortable as hell, but didn’t hurt. At least, not until he gave it a good yank.

A tortured scream broke free from my lips, black dots dancing before my eyes.

“Beautiful,” I heard him mutter before he pulled on whatever it was again.

Everything in the room dimmed, the blinding lights above me fading into the shadows. The dark edges swirled and twisted like mist until they revealed a pair of cinnamon eyes. They darkened to almost a whiskey color as they roamed over my face before he slowly leaned in until all I could see were the blacks of his pupils.

His breath was a mixture of spearmint and menthol as it ghosted across my face, and I closed my eyes as he moved his head to the side and buried his nose in my neck. The hair from his beard tickled my jaw as he inhaled. His breath was deliciously hot against my neck, and I shivered as he inhaled again, deeper this time, like I was his air.

He lifted his head, and I opened my eyes, wanting to study every detail. It had been so long since I’d seen his face. Too long.

His brows drew together, and he opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He tried again and again, growing more frantic each time he tried.

Suddenly, blinding pain bit into my jaw like a million fire ants had all bit me at once, and then he was gone. Bright lights exploded behind my eyes and when I blinked, I was right back in hell with the devil’s face above mine.
