Page 22 of Torn

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“I’ll not allow you to escape, even if it’s only into the dark recesses of your mind,” he hissed as he leaned back to unzip his pants. “Let’s not have a repeat of that little stunt going forward, shall we? If the bruising on your jaw doesn’tfade before you’re sold, I’ll have to come out of pocket for the damages.”

He tilted his head to the side and regarded me as he stroked himself. “Then again, crushing you under my boot might make up for it.”

My jaw felt like it had its own pulse and my head pounded under the harsh glare of the lights. The room swam before my eyes and suddenly I was seeing two monsters above me instead of one.

My stomach revolved, its meager contents threatening to make a comeback. There was movement from above me, but it was like looking through a kaleidoscope, a mass of blurry shapes and colors.


The scream that tore up my throat and echoed around the room was as foreign as his invasion. It felt as if he were trying to tear me apart from the inside out. My body involuntarily jerked against my bonds, and I screwed my eyes tightly shut to block out the horror of what was happening.

But that was next to impossible. There was no way to escape the sound of his sadistic grunts as he stole something from me that I knew I’d never get back. My peace of mind.

Fat wet drops peppered my face, and I licked my lips tentatively, a decidedly metallic taste filling my mouth. Boris’s weight went from skin crawling to crushing in an instant and my eyes shot open.

There Hunter stood, looking like a blood-soaked avenging angel. I couldn’t believe my eyes and blinked a few times, but his image never wavered.

He didn’t say a word as he shoved Boris off me, his body landing on the floor with a thud. Hunter’s light blue eyes roamed over my body in that clinically detached way of his ashe cut my bindings, Boris’s blood still dripping from his knife. When he was done, he held out his bloody hand.

“Can you walk?”

Could I walk? That was it. No trace of horror, remorse, or pity.

I’d never thought of Hunter’s lack of feeling as an asset, quite the opposite actually considering my best friend had fucked up and fallen in love with him. His affliction, as he called it, made it impossible for him to look at me any differently than he had before. He was here for Brandy and the club, not me, and I was grateful for that fact.

“I think so.”

I looked down at the blood coating my torso and running down my legs. There was a metal clamp still attached to my clit, and with a detachment that I knew couldn’t be normal, I removed it and threw it on top of Boris’s dead body.

“Here.” A plain white T-shirt landed in my lap and a broken chuckle left my parted lips. Modesty was the least of my concerns, but I put the shirt on, anyway.

“Come on. I’ve got to get you out of here before the cavalry arrives.”

The cavalry, a.k.a. the club, were the last people I wanted to see right now. It was an ungrateful thought, considering they were springing me from hell, but I couldn’t stand for them to see me like this. Bloody, detached, broken. A soulless being who only cared about one thing now.

“I didn’t even get to kill him,” I muttered to myself as I hopped off the bed, the room spinning on its axis.

Hunter kept me from face planting, which pissed me the fuck off. My stomach did another flip as he held me steady with one hand while I got my bearings. Shame filled me at having let these men turn me into a weak, pitiful, frail creature.

“Here.” He pressed a small knife that looked more suitable for fileting fish than killing a man into my hand. “Even in your condition you should be able to finish the two guards I left immobilized at the door. As for the rest, I’m afraid I’ve already promised them to Switch.”

My breath hitched, and a lump formed in my throat at the mere mention of his name. No! He couldn’t be here. He couldn’t see me. Not right now. Not like this.

“Just don’t let any of them see me,” I whispered to Hunter, almost falling as I tried to take a step.

He gave me a curt nod before lifting me into his arms. It was humiliating, but I’d rather this than chance running into any of the guys. Yes, that made me a coward, but as I’d recently discovered, I wasn’t the badass bitch I thought I was.

Hunter stepped over two bodies slumped outside the door and stopped, gently setting me back on my feet.

“Go ahead.” He nodded at the knife still clutched in my hand. “You’ve got five seconds to do whatever you want to them.”

Hunter had just become my new best friend. Sorry, Brandy. You’re a bad bitch in your own right, but he was giving me something she never could. Sweet, sweet revenge.

The room spun as I kneeled down, but I didn’t care. It was worth it to see two sets of eyes watching the knife I held in horror. It was time for payback, especially considering one of them was the man who’d raped the girl Jules had died to protect.

I’d never been a violent person, but boy did it feel good to slash the throat of the asshole I didn’t give two shits about. The spray of his blood across Hunter’s white shirt was a badge of honor I’d proudly wear out of this shithole for every woman he’d ever terrorized.

Now, the other asshole, he wouldn’t be lucky enough to receive a quick death from me. Since I was short on time, and the room refused to stay put, I was going to need Hunter’s help with this one.
