Page 45 of Torn

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I snorted. “Like she won’t have them every time she shuts her eyes, anyway. At least this way she knows as long as I’m around they won’t be coming back for her.”

“Do you mean it?”

There was a tinge of excitement mixed with hope in her words and I pretended to scratch the side of my face while giving Switch the finger. He didn’t know shit. For once, I said just the right thing.

His chuckle echoed around the small room before his boots shuffled toward the door. It was time to hand these girls off to the old timers so we could hit the next safe house.

“Cross my heart and hope to die.” I unclasped my arms and leaned back so I could cross my heart with my finger. “Now, what do you say I give you my T-shirt and we get out of here? No offense, but your accommodations suck ass.”

Her laugh was oddly surprising. It came out full and throaty like a woman’s rather than the girlish giggle I was expecting. Maybe she was older than she looked?

“What are you going to wear, then?”

I stood, took off my T-shirt, and handed it to her. “I’ll be fine in a bra and jeans. Trust me, it’s nothing these boys haven’t seen before.”

And that was the god’s honest truth. The she-devil’s, a.k.a. club groupies, paraded around the clubhouse in far less. Plus,something told me Switch would either find me a shirt or I’d be wearing his cut before this night was out.



Stel had looked sexy as fuck in nothing but a bra and my cut last night. That was why, exhausted or not, I had to fuck her until we both passed out. Hell, I think I fell asleep inside her, which was as close to heaven as a guy like me could ever hope to get.

Most of the time, I liked it when Stel fought me, but I was glad she hadn’t last night. We both needed the comfort of holding each other tight. Stel would never admit it, but rescuing all those women had taken its toll on heremotionally, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit I needed the reassurance.

She had to do this, for her, and I admired the fuck out of her for it. But her being in the line of fire wasn’t something I was ever gonna get used to. That wasn’t a macho, beat-my-chest reaction—though she brought those out in me too—but an understanding that I couldn’t live without her.

My Stel was as wild as a mustang, but in sleep she looked like an angel. Her blond hair was fanned out over my arm, her heart-shaped face turned upward begging to be kissed. She had an arm flung across my waist and her legs were intertwined with mine. Watching her like this was peaceful, and I wished time could stand still.

But then her eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes narrowed as she looked down at the outline of my hard dick underneath the sheet nudging at her arm. It was her fault for looking so damn beautiful among the rays of the setting sun that filtered through the window.

“He ain’t getting any smaller with you staring at him like that.”

She walloped me in the chest, hard, and I sucked in air trying not to laugh. Maybe if I teased her, she wouldn’t be so willing to kick me out of her bed or run away.

“Asshole. Does he ever get tired?”

“Not around you.”

That was the god’s honest truth. My dick had become damn near prepubescent over the last couple of weeks. I’d like to think he was making up for lost time. Same as me.

I traced the side of her face, enjoying the feel of her creamy skin, admiring the view. She didn’t swat my hand away or get up, so I took that as a green light. My girl liked it rough and dirty, and I was not about to complain about that,but sometimes, like now, I wanted to be sweet with my words and my actions.

She wasn’t ready for promises or pretty words. I knew that, not that I was a flowery speaker by any stretch. But I wanted to show her, without my dick for once—sorry buddy you’d have to wait for a few minutes—that I loved her, and I knew that she loved me. Even if she wasn’t ready to admit it.

“You remember the day you showed up at my trailer and found my dad whaling on me in the front yard?”

“Yeah,” she said tentatively, stiffening in my hold.

“You dropped your bike and ran across the yard, jumping on his back, and pounding your little fists for all you were worth. I’ve still never seen anything quite as beautiful as your wrath. Then my old man peeled you off him and threw you to the side like you were nothing. The only person who’d ever given a shit about me was nothing to him, same as me.”

I stroked a hand along her jaw. “That was the first time I’d ever hit him back, and I probably never would have stopped if it hadn’t been for you yelling my name. When I looked up, there you were, tears streaking your face, motioning for me to come on. Sirens blared in the distance as you told me to get the fuck on, and then you drove me back to the club. Do you remember what you said to your dad?”

She rubbed her head against the palm of my hand. “I told him I wouldn’t ask for anything for my birthday so long as he helped you.”

“Nobody had ever stuck their neck out like that for me before.” I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “And if that’s not love, then I don’t know what is.”

When I leaned back to look at her, she tried to lower her gaze, but I wouldn’t let her. She deserved to know this next part, and I was going to look her in the eye when I told her.
