Page 43 of The Virgin I Desire

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It wasn't the first time that I had entered that country without arousing suspicion, but I would be even more cautious so that they wouldn't know of my presence. I wore a mask that distorted my face and a little makeup so I wouldn't be recognized by the many cameras throughout the city.

My intention was to go there, pick up Pietra and take her with me to Russia. Fulfilling not only the wishes of the leaders, who wanted to see me married, but my own, who longed to have that woman in my arms.

Even with all her questioning, I still wanted her. I realized that I would need to renounce some aspects of my life and transform others, to please Pietra.

“Sir, we are almost there.” One of the men approached me and spoke quietly to warn me about the plane landing.

I picked up the glass of vodka that was on the table and took the last sip of the liquid.

I adjusted my suit and put on my mask, signaling the soldiers to do the same. The jet was registered in the name of an Austrian who had constant business with Italy.

I’d stay away from the cameras and avoid any actions that might draw attention to me. I only had ten soldiers and any confrontation would put me at a cruel disadvantage.

My father and I were never close, just as the relationship with my brother wasn't good either. However, I imagined that if he were still alive, he would strongly advise against my attitude, meeting a woman in enemy territory could be a trap.

If she had told her father that I was there, they would be able to kill me without me having time to react. Still, I came, responding to an impulse that I had within myself and couldn't control. That insane attraction might have made me think too little and put me in complicated situations, but it would be eased after that encounter.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and confirmed the address she had sent me.

“Where are we going, boss?”

“We'll head downtown and then change cars so as not to attract attention.”

They nodded and we went to the airport entrance.

Chapter eighteen

“Look at that dress over there.” I pointed to a window causing my sister to look in the direction.

“It's beautiful.”

I had worked hard to convince Perla to accompany me to the mall and even more so for my father to allow us to come. Still, there were a dozen soldiers with us, and they didn't take their eyes off us for a single moment. It seemed completely impossible to lose them and I imagined that they knew very wellthe consequences if something happened to us, so they didn't even blink.

“Let's go in and try it out.” She linked my arm with hers and dragged me away, but she stopped when I held my body when I felt my cell phone vibrating.


“What is it?” She turned to me without understanding.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”


“Yes, now.” I took out my bag and handed it to her. “Hold on to it for me and I'll be right back.”


“It will be quick. Go try on the clothes.”

“Fine.” She twisted her lips, not very pleased.

I walked towards the bathroom and the soldiers split up, some staying with my sister and others coming after me. When I reached the door, I gestured for them to stop.

“You can wait here. I'll be right back.”


