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“Yes, please.” Griffin barely let me get the sentence out before I was facing the mirror with him bracing my hands on the sink. I closed my eyes when he sunk into me, but the tug on my hair had me snapping my eyes back open again.

“God, I missed you.” His eyes left mine long enough for him to lean down and bite on my shoulder. His free hand found my nipple. His teeth had me moaning, begging for more in a second. “I don’t want to leave a bruise.” His momentum picked up and I panted out a please, begging him to sink everything he had into me. As soon as he did, I fell apart in his hands, our voices echoing around the bathroom.

Before I could even recover from our mutual orgasm, Griffin scooped me up, carrying me to bed. He laid with me in the darkness until my phone rang again, instead of silencing it, he turned it off. It was Wanda again, no doubt, and a tiny pain hit my chest, but I shoved it down. My eyes closed, and Griffin whispered to me, telling me how amazing the following day would be. He talked, mostly to himself, about the girls being sisters, and Axel being his. My silent tears soaked into the pillow when I realized how close I was to losing the most amazing man I had ever met.

* * *

I slipped outof bed to put on sweats before pulling the black bag from the closet. I left it hanging on the closet door and picked up his phone to go make the necessary calls. Turning my phone on was a mistake, so I left it. I let Tank outside and stood on the porch sending out a mass text to everyone we knew. I didn’t announce the reason for the party, only that we were hosting, and sorry for the late notice. I cancelled Arianna picking up the girls then went down to their room to find the nicest dresses they owned.

An hour later, we loaded into Griffin’s Jeep to drive to the court house. Griffin’s light eyes were set off by the dark shirt, and the girls were both in their favorite color. My knee-length dress was nowhere close to a wedding dress, it was black, but what better than to match my little girls and my groom. I made Griffin pull into the parking lot of a jewelry store before we made it to the court house and bought a dark pewter ring. He could insist he didn’t need one, but no man of mine was going to walk around without my ring on his finger. After what I had put him through, I wanted to make damn sure he was all mine from then on.

“Why are we all dressed like princesses?” Celia asked from her seat in the back.

Griffin kissed my hand. “What do you two think about being sisters?” Once the squealing stopped, he went on, “Cori and I are getting married, so it makes you two sisters and you three my girls.”

“If we’re your princesses, is Mommy the queen?” Axel looked skeptical.

“Oh, yeah. Mommy is my queen. You two are my princesses. So, we are going in here to sign a paper, to make it official. Okay?” I squeezed Griffin’s fingers.

“I always wanted a brother, but Celia can be my sister.” Axel smiled wide and we piled out of the Jeep, each picking up a little princess to go make our fairy tale complete.

Once all the forms were filled out, we were ushered into a room with a witness and a man who looked as if he had been performing marriages when my grandparents were married, while he went over a rehearsed speech about the commitment of marriage, I leaned over to Griffin. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Griffin nipped my ear. “I have never been surer of anything in my life.”


“Iswear to all things holy, if you don’t piss on the stick right now, Cori …” My threat trailed off when I heard the rustling of paper behind me. If I insisted on standing in the bathroom with her, she made me face the wall and close my eyes. Her period was late and she hadn’t eaten anything but pickled beets in a week. We both knew what would happen once she took the test.

“I can’t with you fussing at me, asshole,” Cori grumbled. “I know you can hear me peeing, so I can’t go!”

“Yeah, and my dick has been in your mouth. Just pee!” She giggled, as I scrubbed my hand down my face, waiting to hear her tell me she was done. Maybe I should have left her alone, but I couldn’t. Despite the horrible week leading up to our sudden marriage and very large reception, the first two months of married life was nothing short of bliss. The blow up we had the day before had snapped Cori out of her downward spiral. She called her ex mother-in-law to chew her out before changing her number. They had relocated to Florida and away from my girls. Richard wasn’t mentioned at all, and I knew it wasn’t on her mind. Cori wanted a devoted husband, a father for Ax, and she got it with me. I was so devoted that I couldn’t let her piss on a stick alone.

“Done. Now we wait.” Cori set the test down on the counter then walked right into my arms. “I know you think otherwise, but I swear I’m not pregnant, Griff.” I rolled my eyes and she kissed my scar.

“Not puking doesn’t mean I didn’t do my job.” And I had treated it like a job. Anytime we were alone for more than five minutes, I had her shoved against something. If I only got to do it with her once, I wanted it as soon as possible and I planned on loving every second from conception to delivery.

“Maybe, but I don’t feel pregnant.” I reached around her for the white stick. “It said ten minutes.” So, I would watch it for ten minutes.

Fortunately, I didn’t need to wait. “Start feeling pregnant.” I flipped the test in her face, showing her two very clear pink lines. Her amber eyes went wide. The smile splitting my face couldn’t be contained. I tossed the test on the counter to gather her in my arms.

“Oh. My. God.” Cori hugged me back, and I laughed at her disbelief.

“I love you, babe.”

“Love you, honey.”

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