Page 23 of Hard Target

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~Three years later~

“And so the dashing prince rescued his swan princess from the evil sorcerer, and brought down a piece of sunlight from the sky, so that she would always be able to find her way back to him, no matter where she flew,” I murmur, closing the book as I hug my beautiful little girl to me.

“What happened next, Mama?” sweet Alexandra asks, her green eyes large and dark in her face. She looks so much like her father, she takes my breath away.

I smile down at her. “They got married the very next month, at a beautiful wedding attended by the kings and queens of all the lands.”

“And was the princess very happy?”

“Oh, sweetheart,” I whisper. “The princess was very happy. She could make beautiful jewels every day of her life, and her prince was right there by her side, keeping her safe while encouraging her to soar as high as she wanted to fly.”

“It’s what any self-respecting prince would do.”

“Daddy!” Alexi pushes off my lap and runs to her father, squealing with delight as he scoops her up and hugs her close. Alek walks her back to me, snuggling her as he leans over to give me a lingering kiss.

“Good day at the office, Mrs. Ivanov?” he asks, and I beam up at him. Since the moment I ran into him, he’s turned my life upside down and inside out, and I have never been so happy…especially today.

“A very good day,” I say solemnly. “But you interrupted my story.”

His eyes shoot up as Alexi lifts her pretty, tousled head from his shoulder. “I did?”

I nod and pick up the book again. It’s an ordinary fairy tale book, but I use it every time I tell my own personal tale of the Swan Princess. I make a production of finding the right page, and begin again.

“And then one day, in their perfect kingdom, something happened to make the prince, princess and baby princess even happier. They’re family would be growing again! They would be—”

“Raina!” Alek shouts, and Alexi squeals as he dives for me, the three of us spinning around in a wild, joyful dance—

And then, once more and forever, we lived happily ever after.

* * *

