Page 61 of Trusting The Biker

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“I’ve been around a long time. Seen my share of a lot of shit. Don’t think you can come into my clubhouse and disrespect me and your club brothers by lying to my face. Should strip you of your colors right here.”

“Fuck. I’m sorry. We started talking the second night she was at the mansion. She’d sit with me and shoot the shit while I smoked. Sometimes she’d bring the kid with her, but when I was on nights, she’d come down alone and we’d fuck around. A couple of nights ago, she asked if I’d give her a ride to grab some stuff out of her car. I know I shouldn’t have, but she said it was her kid’s stuff. Favorite blanket and toys. Then last night she came to me like any other night. We fucked and after she asked if I’d take her to meet a friend. She said they were going to give her some money. I didn’t figure it would be a big deal. Except when we pulled up at the gas station she got out of my truck and took off running.”

Prez slaps the back of his head. “You’re a dumb fuck. Why didn’t you call it in?”

“Knew you’d find out I was fucking her on the job and that I’d done specifically what you told me not to.”

“Take him to the holding cell. I don’t want to look at him,” Prez orders Link.

“She had a second cell phone. She got it out of her car the other night. I recall the number. I might be able to hack into the system and see where she last pinged at.”

“Better hope so,” Prez snarls. “There’s a little girl upstairs without a mother.”

Chapter Twenty-one

“Did you enjoy your nap, sleepyhead?” I brush Kieleigh’s hair back from her forehead.

Her big green eyes stare back at me, reminding me so much of Kiesha. I couldn’t imagine anyone ever willingly leaving their baby.

“Nuuh.” Her bottom lips juts out into the biggest pout. “Want Mommy.”

How can I say to this sweet little girl that I’m not sure where her mom is or if she’s coming back. I try to divert her attention. “Are you hungry?”

She nods her head.

“Do you like peanut butter?”

She nods again.

“Why don’t we go down to the kitchen and see if they have any? Would you like that?”

“Okay.” Shimming off the bed, she then places her tiny hand in mine, giving me her trust.

I hope Prodigy has some good news for me. Little girls need their mothers and to feel safe and loved.

Kieleigh starts hopping down the stairs and humming something under her breath. When we get to the bottom of the steps, I pick her up to make it easier to get to the kitchen without worrying about her running off to hide under a table or tripping over someone’s boots and getting hurt.

I stop at the end of the bar to get Angel’s attention.

“Hey there, Squirt.” She ruffles Kieleigh’s hair, and she giggles.

“Do you know if she has any food allergies or anything?”

“Sorry. I don’t. Want me to see if there’s any kiddie cups in the back?”

“Please. Thank you. And maybe some crackers or cookies.”

“No problem.”

As Angel struts off, I remember that Marie probably filled out paperwork for Kieleigh, since she was technically enrolled as one of our kids.

I stop Viking as I catch him coming up from the basement. “Have you seen Prodigy around anywhere recently?”

“He’s with Prez. Need me to get him?”

“If you wouldn’t mind.”

“You got it.” He pokes Kieleigh in the belly, and she scowls at him. “Okay. My bad.” He grins and returns down the stairs.
